100 Incredible American History Topics for Academic Writing

Home » 100 Incredible American History Topics for Academic Writing

History is a vast subject. It ends at the present day but begins from the time undated. American history, to be specific, is quite complicated whether one studies it out of curiosity or as a part of academics. Hence when students are assigned to create an academic paper on American history topics, they get confused. Unlike other countries around the globe, America has witnessed many revolutions, from the colonial settlement in 1600 to the nonviolent resistance of Martin Luther King in the 1960s. As a result, choosing a topic on this subject for all these events that highlight the best writing skills of the student is difficult. Find here, a list of outstanding American History topics you can consider for writing a research paper. Before that, let’s learn how to choose accurate topics.

American History Topics

3 Tricks To Shortlist the Best American History Topics

Choosing topics for academic papers on American history that can help showcase your knowledge of the subject and writing skills is no child’s play. However, following specific tricks can help you to complete the job without much effort or stress.

Here are the 3 simple tricks that one can use to choose some of the best topics.

  1.  Look for the areas of interest:  The first step to choosing topics on American history is to look for interesting areas. It can be civil wars in America, the LGBTQ community revolution in the 20th century, or the art and entertainment revolution post World War 2.  However, these subjects are exhaustive. It would be best if you narrowed down the scope of the issue to include it in a single assignment. Hence, look for specific events in the areas of interest.
  2. Look for primary sources of information:  Choosing a topic on American history on which no information is available to craft a paper is worthless. Hence, after selecting the areas of interest and narrowing down some topics, find information from the primary sources.
  3. Drafting a hypothesis:  One may create a hypothesis on the selected topics to examine the one that sits well within the historical context. It indicates that none of the chosen topics is trans-historical; it must not indicate “people like this.

Example –

  1. A moved forward with the legislation since an individual got inspired and educated on the subject by his mother, who was a reformer.
  2. In 1870, an enslaved man responded to his enslaver in a specific code language without expressing anger or irritation.

Go with the subjects that help create a definite historical hypothesis.

List of Interesting American History Topics

Now that you know the drills to choose the best topics on American history, you may wonder what topics on American history are ruling the college and university assignments. From here, get the most fascinating and unique assignment topics on American history.

Intriguing American History Topics

Compose your history research paper on any of the below-listed intriguing American history study topics. When writing on impactful ideas related to US history, you will get a chance to promote your critical thinking, understand the culture, and contextualize contemporary issues and societal relevance.

  1. Black Panthers – What was their ideology?
  2. How is the USA affected by foreign settlements?
  3. The controversy about the Wilmot provision
  4. Features that rule the Roaring Twenties?
  5. What caused the Missouri Compromise, and how was America affected by it?
  6. Function of women in the Great Depression
  7. Who profited the most from the crash of the 1929 Stock Market?
  8. What contribution did Michael Collin make the space exploration?
  9. Impact of the Bracero Program on the United States of America
  10. How did the Western countries develop from the contribution of Birmingham Young?
  11. Examine the role of abolitionist movements in shaping the Underground Railroad.
  12. Analyze the Reconstruction Era’s (1865-1877) successes and failures.
  13. Evaluate the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in advancing racial equality.
  14. Examine the impact of the Vietnam War on American society and foreign policy.
  15. Compare the perspectives of loyalists and patriots during the American Revolution.

Unique American History Research Topics

If you want your American history research paper to stand top in your class, then prepare it on any unexplored topics. For your convenience, here, we have suggested a collection of distinct American History study topics for you to explore and write about.

  1. How did the Red Scare take place?
  2. The primary mission of the loyalists
  3. What was the importance of education during Puritan times?
  4. How did the Great Awakening impact the American subcontinent?
  5. Did the Boston Tea Party significantly benefit the Americans?
  6. The immediate effects of the Battle of Bunker Hill?
  7. Causes of failure of the presidential reconstruction?
  8. Why did the 1870 economic recession take place in America?
  9. Role of Railroad development on America’s industrial development
  10. Contribution of Fredrick Douglass to the abolition of slavery

American History Topics Based on Events between 1763 and 1865

To write a history research paper, you can take into consideration any American history topics that are associated with events that happened between 1763 and 1865. If you require study topics based on American History between 1763 and 1865, make use of the list presented here.

  1. How did the American culture evolve?
  2. Shed some light on the legacy of the joint stock organizations
  3. What was the impact of the American Revolution on American society?
  4. How did the rituals of Thanksgiving evolve?
  5. What justifications do Americans have for their faith in Manifest Destiny?
  6. Events led to the sovereign republic entity of Texas
  7. Aftermath of the Royal Proclamation of 1763
  8. What impact did the American Revolution have on the other states of the subcontinent?
  9. How did the War of 1812 take place?
  10. Problems that increased with the beginning of the Missouri Compromise
  11. When was the USA declared independent, and what is its legacy?
  12. Why was the right to carry arms included in the Bill of Rights?
  13. Aftereffects of the American war with Mexico
  14. Why did America choose Washington, DC, as its national capital?
  15. How did the French Revolution impact America?

American History Topics Based On Events Before 1877

Are you curious to investigate American history before 1877? If yes, then during the history research paper preparation process, give significance to performing research and write about any of the below-listed American historical events or related study topics from the period before 1877.

  1. What was the condition of America before Columbus discovered it?
  2. The New World that developed after the landing of Christopher Columbus
  3. What were the discoveries and contributions of Christopher Columbus to America?
  4. Explain when the British began to rule in America and how their first settlement looked like
  5. Discuss the ethnicity of Puritans and their settlement in the United States of America
  6. What were the effects of British rule in America?
  7. How did the protestant reformation impact the history of the USA?
  8. What is the Middle Ground for the Native Americans?
  9. How did the American colonization impact the American population?
  10. Examine the economic and social consequences of the Louisiana Purchase (1803)

1878-1899 American History Topics

Would you like to explore what happened in America between 1878 and 1899 in your history paper? Well, to choose an appropriate topic for your academic writing, make use of the list suggested below. In the list, we have provided some fascinating American history topics that are associated with the impactful events or persons in the 1878 – 1899 eras.

  1. How did industrialization evolve after the Civil War?
  2. America from the eye of the immigrants
  3. What social reforms took place during the Progressive Era?
  4. Why was the Foreign Policy developed during the 1890s?
  5. How did the Foreign Reforms impact the Americans?
  6. Shed light on interracial relations in the Progressive era
  7. Did anything in America change after the Japanese immigrated to America in the 19th century?

Read more: Top Fascinating History Research Topics For Students

Afro-American History Essay Topics

Afro-American history primarily focuses on the African Americans’ experiences, hardships, and victories from enslavement to civil rights and beyond. In case, you are curious to learn about Afro-American history, then while developing your history essay, deal with any of the below-suggested topics.

  1. What led to the slave resistance in the 18th century?
  2. How did the African Americans use music as a tool of their opposition?
  3. The religion and spirituality followed by African Americans in the United States of America
  4. How did the amendment of the 13th century lead to the end of slavery in the United States of America?
  5. How was the news of the rules of the Brown vs. Board of Education received by the public?
  6. Why is the Harlem Renaissance one of the most significant American history topics?
  7. What is the importance of Martin Luther King’s speech – “I have a dream.”
  8. Significance of Barack Obama’s presidency on the black communities of America?
  9. What healthcare reforms did Barack Obama bring to the United States of America?
  10. How has Barack Obama’s presidency impacted the United States of America?

Fascinating American History Ideas for Academic Work

Are you searching for impactful American history titles to examine in your academic paper? If yes, then take a look at the list uploaded here. In the list, to help students, we have suggested some outstanding American history ideas to consider for academic writing.

  1. Discuss the emergence of the “Old American West.”
  2. Analyze the effects of European colonization of the North American continent
  3. Discuss European reactions to the American Civil War.
  4. How did urbanization affect American life?
  5. Explain the role of Oil in Industrializing America.
  6. Analyze the impact of the Cold War on the American economy.
  7. Write about the Women’s suffrage movement in America.
  8. Explain how the early Americans justified slavery.
  9. Research and write about the history of Sports in the United States.
  10. Investigate the role of students in advancing civil rights for African Americans.
  11. Explain how the GI Bill affected African American veterans
  12. Write about the American-Iranian Tough Relations
  13. Explain how migration shaped American society in the 1930s and ‘40s

US History Research Topics on Industrialization

The American economy saw a shift in the late 18th and early 19th centuries from manual labor, farm labor, and handicraft work to a greater degree of industrialization focused on wage labor as a result of the Industrial Revolution. These are some popular American Industrial Revolution research paper topics you may examine in your history paper.

  1. Focus on the development and influence of the Telegraph.
  2. Analyze the impact of the Bessemer Process on Steel production.
  3. Explore the emergence of the automobile industry and its impact in the US between 180 and 1920.
  4. Discuss the role of coal mining in Appalachian Region Development.
  5. Take a look at the rise of socialism and radical labor movements.
  6. Write about Edison’s electrical evolution.
  7. Examine the impact of the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) on industrial monopolies
  8. Analyze the impact of industrialization on women’s work and family life
  9. Explore the growth of the Steel Industry in Pittsburgh.
  10. Discuss the role of immigrant labor in the Industrial Revolution during 1870-1910.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, all the topics we have suggested in the list above will assist you in writing an excellent American history paper. So, select any topic related to a historical time or event of your choice and begin writing the paper. Remember that the chosen topic should be original, significant, researchable, and have adequate resources for investigation. After deciding on a topic, perform comprehensive research and write a complete history paper based on credible data and evidence. Most importantly, the American history research paper you write should be informative, correctly cited, and devoid of plagiarism. If you are having trouble conducting historical research and preparing a thesis on American history topics, contact our team of professionals. As per your needs, with the help of our subject experts, you can complete your assignment before the deadline and achieve the desired outcomes.

American History Topics Reading Time: 10 minutes