190 Amazing Communication Research Topics and Ideas

Home » 190 Amazing Communication Research Topics and Ideas

In the modern digital world, communication has gained a new shape because of the latest innovations in technology. Especially, social media has taken over media broadcasting, and technology-based communication platforms have replaced traditional letter communication. As the field of communication is continuously evolving, in recent times, a lot of students have been interested in researching communication topics. If you are one such student who is desirous to perform research on areas related to communication, then this blog post is for you. Here, we have suggested 190 unique communication research topics that you can consider for your projects or assignments. Read this blog and get incredible ideas for preparing your communication research paper.

Tips for Selecting a Communication Research Topic

Communication is a vast field of study that contains numerous research topics and ideas. But the real challenge lies in identifying one right topic out of many. If you are assigned a task to write a research paper on communication topics, then keep the following tips in mind during the topic selection.

  1. Choose a topic that matches your interest.
  2. Go with the topic of the latest and trending communication technology to make your research paper stand out in the crowd.
  3. Pick a topic that has a wide scope of research and discussion.
  4. Select the topic that has many references in online and printed sources.
  5. Pick a narrow topic that is easy for you to complete the research. Never go with a broad topic because you may miss certain important research areas involved in it, and it will also be difficult for you to complete the entire research on broad topics.

Communication Research Topics

List of Communication Research Topics and Ideas

Research topics on communication are vast. For your communication research paper writing, you can consider the communication research paper topics on mass communication, social media, business communication, interpersonal communication, and virtual communication.

Listed below are the best communication research topic ideas that you can look out for while writing your thesis or research paper.

Top Communication Research Topics

Simple Communication Research Topics

Would you wish to effortlessly create your communication research paper? If yes, then instead of working on complex study topics, examine any simple communication research questions suggested below so that you can timely finish your task and update your knowledge of the basics of communication.

  1. The history of communication
  2. Why is radio still popular?
  3. How accurate is news from the media?
  4. Media censorship
  5. Media as a watchdog
  6. The impact of the freedom of speech on media
  7. Virtual reality in the media
  8. How are media laws effective in ensuring credible reporting?
  9. Theories of communication
  10. What is journalism ethics?
  11. Models of communication
  12. Importance of communication in developing a personal life and professional career
  13. Importance of non-verbal communication in journalism
  14. Exchange and persuasion of interpersonal information
  15. Journalism Practice in Newly Emerged Spaces
  16. Networked Journalism Concept
  17. Importance of digital communication for businesses
  18. Traditional communication channels versus modern communication channels
  19. The use of Virtual reality in future communication
  20. Personality differences and their impact on negotiation techniques
  21. Strategies to deal with fake news
  22. Discuss the use of jargon and register in communication

Communication Research Topics

Mass Communication Research Paper Topics

Mass communication is the process of influencing public opinion and behavior by transmitting information to sizable, diversified audiences via a variety of media platforms. Listed below are some mass communication research ideas you may explore in your communication thesis.

  1. The constitutional provisions for mass media.
  2. Mass media and democracy
  3. An analysis of the role of mass media in rebranding
  4. The attitude of viewers and listeners towards mass media
  5. Are the airwaves truly liberated?
  6. Challenges facing freedom of the press in various countries
  7. The effects of the internet on media ethics and standards
  8. Mass media with the law of defamation
  9. Growth of private media ownership
  10. Is print media still competitive?
  11. State broadcasting versus private broadcasting
  12. Mass communication and media
  13. Dangers faced by journalists.
  14. How effective are phone-in programs?
  15. The impact of digital media.
  16. Importance of integrated communication
  17. Influence of mass communication in driving social changes and reforms
  18. Political rhetoric on local, state, national, or international level
  19. Shadow-authoritarianism in the field of mass communication
  20. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression in the United States
  21. Journalism Ethics: Good News vs Bad News
  22. Influence of technology on journalism

Research Topics about Social Media Communication

Social media communication focuses on the interactive sharing of content, ideas, and information via online platforms that promote community involvement and worldwide connectivity. If you are curious to examine communication in social media, then the list of relevant research ideas suggested here might be useful to you.

  1. Is social media taking over the broadcast media?
  2. The effectiveness of social media marketing
  3. Have Facebook and WhatsApp taken over family time?
  4. Crime and Social Media
  5. What measures can curb false information on social media?
  6. The growth of fake profiles
  7. The impact of social media on academic progress
  8. The speed of news on social media
  9. How social media has led to a kidnapping
  10. What is the future of social media?
  11. A study of policies related to social media
  12. How has social media contributed to plagiarism and piracy?
  13. How has social media connected and disconnected people at the same time?
  14. Who is responsible for ethics on social media?
  15. The effectiveness of social media on campaigns
  16. Drawbacks of using social media platforms in communication
  17. How to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information shared on social media platforms?
  18. Is social media responsible for increasing the rate of crime among adolescents?
  19. Impact of social media on mental health?
  20. Peer influence on social media and teenage sexting
  21. How Facebook has revolutionized marketing
  22. The role of social networking sites like Twitter during disasters
  23. The most effective methods of personal data protection when using social networking websites

Business Communication Research Ideas

Business communication aims to efficiently share ideas, information, and messages both inside and outside of enterprises to accomplish financial goals and objectives. To prepare a communication research paper, you may consider any of these business communication research topics.

  1. Business-to-business communication
  2. Vital issues in organizational communication
  3. Practices for effective business communication
  4. Dealing with organizational uncertainty
  5. Corporate communication and public relations
  6. Management of communication crises in organizations
  7. E-mail writing and management in the workplace
  8. How to effectively handle external communication
  9. Effective horizontal communication in the workplace
  10. A study of proper communication channels
  11. Intercultural communication in a competitive global business environment
  12. How to craft a top-notch business letter
  13. The relationship between social media and organizations
  14. Change management and culture of organizations
  15. Corporate social responsibility communication
  16. Development of marketing value using excellent communication skills
  17. How are communication skills essential in marketing?
  18. How can brand awareness be made possible through communication?
  19. Practical communication skills for the growth of profit
  20. How has the sharing of messages affected the business market?
  21. How can organizations benefit immensely from the press?
  22. The media and the economic crisis
  23. Symbols and critical features of effective business communication
  24. How to handle a crisis communication?
  25. A guide to writing an effective organizational communique
  26. Corporate Social Responsibility Communication
  27. Crisis Communication

Read more: Effective Communication Techniques That Will Improve Your Communication Skills

Interpersonal Communication Research Ideas

Interpersonal communication refers to the face-to-face or mediated sharing of ideas, feelings, and information between two or more people to establish a connection. For writing a communication thesis, you may choose any interpersonal communication research topics listed here.

  1. Interpersonal communication deceptions
  2. Emotion and its impact on communication
  3. What is the barrier to language and verbal communication?
  4. A study of perception in interpersonal communication
  5. How is the connection between family and intimate relationships?
  6. Interpersonal communication: A study of self-discourse
  7. How effective is non-verbal communication?
  8. Factors Affecting Interpersonal Communication
  9. The importance of listening in conversation.
  10. Relational development in communication
  11. Dealing with blindness as a barrier to interpersonal communication
  12. The growth of social and personal relationships
  13. Conflicts arising from interpersonal communication
  14. Culture and communication
  15. Competence in interpersonal communication
  16. Gender differences in interpersonal communication
  17. Power in communication: misuse of power in relationships
  18. Crossing cultures in communication

Virtual Communication Research Topics

The instantaneous transfer of ideas, information, and messages across time zones and geographic barriers via digital technologies is known as virtual communication. Here are some virtual communication research ideas that will be convenient for you to study and write about.

  1. Interpersonal communication in virtual reality.
  2. Communication in the virtual reality age.
  3. Building trust in virtual teams.
  4. Communication in global virtual teams: digital analysis.
  5. “Virtual classroom:” an interactive information exchange & computer-mediated learning space.
  6. Virtual dialogue & cultural expression.
  7. Communication medium & team interaction styles.
  8. Virtual team dialogue training.
  9. Computer-mediated communication & the virtual culture concept.
  10. Nonverbal dialogue in virtual environments.
  11. Discuss the impact of computer-mediated communication.
  12. How Webinars are reshaping Education?
  13. How does virtual communication impact the productivity of remote teams?
  14. Suggest strategies that can prevent or reduce cyberbullying on virtual communication platforms
  15. How effective are virtual training programs in achieving learning objectives?
  16. What causes virtual meeting fatigue, and how can it be mitigated?
  17. To what extent do nonverbal cues affect the effectiveness of virtual communication?
  18. Analyze the key factors that influence user experience in virtual reality communication
  19. What potential applications and limitations do AI-powered virtual communication tools present?
  20. Explore the benefits, challenges, and future directions of virtual communication in healthcare settings.
  21. What strategies can individuals use to manage information overload in virtual communication?
  22. How effective is virtual communication in crises, such as natural disasters or pandemics?

Interesting Communication Research Topics

To develop your communication research paper, choose a topic that resonates with your interest so that you can joyfully examine the topic to contribute meaningfully to the field. The following are some study topics that might be fascinating for you to compose a great communication research paper.

  1. Interactive online communication and its impact on public relations outcomes
  2. Advertising as a means of communication
  3. Teaching culture and intercultural communication
  4. Leadership and key communication process
  5. Speech as a communication type
  6. Decrypting media messages
  7. How broadcasting media is effective in promoting the use of contraceptives?
  8. Peer communication effects in social media on purchase patterns.
  9. The media as a tool for enhancing profitability
  10. How do facial expressions affect interpersonal communication?
  11. How communication has helped prevent or reduce the spread of malaria?
  12. How to use the media as a tool for promoting profitability?
  13. How business interchanges play a critical role in business improvement

Here, we have recommended a collection of popular communication research questions for you to work on. But when you examine a common study topic, approach the topic from different perspectives and share an insightful communication research paper with supporting evidence.

  1. Discuss the Role of Science communication & public relations.
  2. Explain how journalism and communication intersect.
  3. Analyze the communication divide between political parties.
  4. Discuss how communities foster modern communication.
  5. Mitigating corruption in modern communication.
  6. Assess the effectiveness of intercultural communication.
  7. Explain how video communication can affect relationships.
  8. Discuss the future of cross-media communication.
  9. Explain the importance of strategic communication.
  10. Write about the usage of modern communication tools in negotiations.

Unique Communication Research Topics

In this section, we have suggested some distinct communication research questions for you to consider. By writing a communication thesis on unique topics, you can improve your original thinking, fill the gaps in knowledge, and set your work apart.

  1. The growth of video blogs
  2. The role of bloggers in social media
  3. New communication technologies
  4. Phonology and sign language as the means of modern communication
  5. Social networks in the modern world
  6. How does race impact modern communication?
  7. Digital cognition and virtual communication across the world
  8. Racism as a hindrance to effective communication
  9. What is the future of communication?
  10. How effective are Skype and Zoom meetings?
  11. Technology and its impact on communication
  12. Communication tips for handling a depression case
  13. How do politicians use communication as a campaign tool?
  14. Growth of fake news as a result of social media
  15. What is the specific language used in the negotiation?
  16. Is communication the trademark of a great leader?
  17. Ways to improve non-verbal communication.
  18. The growing trend of teenage texting and its impact on relationships
  19. How effective is interpersonal communication in persuasion?
  20. Traditional discussion versus virtual communication

For preparing your communication research paper, you can select any of the below-listed trending study topics. Especially, when you examine the latest research topics about communication, you will get a chance to stay updated on industry trends, boost credibility, and inform policy and practice decisions.

  1. Yellow Journalism and Social Role
  2. Speech as Communication Type
  3. Evolution of Horizontal Communication in Business
  4. Discuss the prospect of human digital communication practices of human for organizational purposes
  5. Analysis of the benefits and limitations of using information and communication technologies (ICTs) for entrepreneurs
  6. Analyze the connections between social entrepreneurship or social innovation and digital communication
  7. Discuss the way the information and communication technologies shaped organizational communication
  8. Discuss the relationship between career development, communication, socialization, and entrepreneurship
  9. Insights in Science and Environmental Communication: 2023
  10. Discuss the role advertising plays in the marketing communication of global business organizations with examples
  11. Explore the dark side of workplace communication over digital means of communication
  12. Discuss the impact of visual narratives in the field of science and health communication
  13. Discuss the role played by women in political communication over the past three decades

Final Words

Effective communication is the foundation of a successful relationship and organization. Since communication plays a key role in society, extensive research has been conducted on it. Most importantly, communication research has the potential to shape our understanding of the world and foster more inclusive, efficient, and empathetic communication practices. To perform communication research, you may choose any topic of your interest from the list of diverse study topics suggested in this blog. After choosing a topic, examine it deeply and then develop an evidence-based communication research paper. By investigating communication research ideas, you can find valuable insights into human communication’s complexities and inform strategies to improve interpersonal, organizational, and societal interactions. If it is hard for you to pick the right topic and compose a detailed research paper on communication, then complete your tasks with the guidance of the scholars in our team.

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