Learn How To Write A Dissertation Outline In 10 Simple Steps

Home » Learn How To Write A Dissertation Outline In 10 Simple Steps

Writing a dissertation is one of the most difficult tasks for a student. Apart from the complexity of the various steps of completing the task, it is a time-consuming affair as well. However, your job becomes easy if you know how to write a dissertation outline. It helps you to recognize the structure of writing a dissertation and take strategic goals for developing a paper. Moreover, dissertation writing is not limited to interpreting the results of your research; you have to write a dissertation thesis and dissertation proposal as well, especially for writing your post-graduate paper. If you are unsure of the method of writing a dissertation outline, then this blog can be of great help to you. From here, you can learn how to make a clear and structured inquiry to develop an accurate plan for dissertation writing. Plus, you get some templates and samples to understand the content better.

What Is A Dissertation Outline?

Suppose you are about to write a dissertation and have never previously researched what a dissertation outline is, what it looks like, or how to write a dissertation outline. In that case, you must know that a dissertation outline is one of the most significant parts of dissertation writing. However, it is nowhere as complicated as herding a troupe of cats, nor as easy as walking in the meadows. A dissertation outline is a straightforward guideline that spells out the primary ideas and concepts that you must add to every section of a dissertation paper. In simple terms, a dissertation outline sketches a practical to-do list of things. You can follow linear planning or concept planning methods to present the thoughts and ideas in your thesis and build your thesis outline.  However, you must remember that your dissertation outline must be coherent. Only then, it will help to create an excellent copy.

Advantages of Writing Dissertation Outline

If you know how to write a dissertation outline, you can enjoy several benefits. First and foremost, you can save time and manage to submit your paper within the deadline. Other benefits of writing an excellent dissertation outline include:

  • Throughout the entire time you write your dissertation, the outline gives a clear summary of what is to be incorporated in every section and chapter of the thesis.
  • The development can be easily traced.
  • You can cover all the essential points without omitting any section.
  • Avoiding the recurrence of points and unnecessary confusion regarding the topic becomes easy.
  • You can preserve your focus on the topic, without any deviation.
  • You can simplify the entire dissertation writing process.
  • Connecting the ideas and arguments of the thesis statement becomes easy.

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How to Write a Dissertation Outline?

In the United States of America, no two universities or academic institutions follow the same dissertation outline. However, don’t feel bemused that you will not get to learn how to write a dissertation outline. The good thing is that the basic structure for writing a dissertation remains the same. It includes 5 parts – introduction, detailed review, methodology, data analysis, and conclusion.

Here are the 10 simple steps to develop a high-quality dissertation outline:

  1. Discover a valid research topic related to your subject of study.
  2. Before choosing your primary thesis or thesis statement, read plenty of academic journals, manuals, and reviews that are based on your research topic.
  3. Have a deep conversation with your instructor concerning your research methodology and the positioning of your argument.
  4. Arrange notes for the outline connected to all the relevant scientific works.
  5. Plan a structure for your dissertation.
  6. Develop every section of the dissertation with the collected ideas.
  7. Craft a dissertation proposal with the appendix and notes.
  8. Pay more attention to supplementary research and future objectives.
  9. Edit and proofread your substance, and arrange a catalog of objectives as a personal checklist.
  10. Proofread your complete dissertation.

What Does A Dissertation Outline

What Does A Dissertation Outline Template Look Like?

We have created two simple dissertation templates. You can improvise them as per your academic needs or as it is to develop your research papers.   Moreover, to learn how to write a dissertation, you can tally the steps to the specific section of the template to understand the method better.

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Dissertation Outline Template-Sample 1

Here is the first sample of the dissertation outline. It is typically used for dissertations on all subjects excluding those based on science.


  • Introduction
  • Subject & its backdrop
  • Thesis Statement
  • Investigation Questions
  • Importance
  • Glossary of Terms (elective)
  • Restrictions & supposition
  • Concluding paragraph

Literature Review

  • Introduction
  • Explanation of literature research
  • Structure
  • Assessment of Literature

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed)

  • Intro
  • Research Design
  • Research Hypotheses & Questions
  • Setting/Sample & Population
  • Participants/Instrumentation
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Concluding section


  • Introduction
  • Findings
  • Conclusion

Discussion and Suggestions for Further Research

  • Introduction
  • Findings précis
  • Conclusions
  • Discourse
  • Proposal for potential investigation
  • Conclusion


Dissertation Outline Template-Sample 2

Find the second sample of the dissertation outline below. Researchers use similar outlines for developing dissertations on scientific topics only.

Front Part

  • Title Page
  • Signature Page
  • Abstract
  • Table of contents


Optional section/s: Please include the following 5 sections upon consultation with your instructor or upon permission from the scientific supervisor:

  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgment
  • Copyright Notification
  • List of figure
  • List of tables


  • Explanation of the fundamental topic and the main issue
  • An account of the research questions
  • The intention and significance of the investigation
  • Definitions of the terms (if required)
  • Arrangement of the research

Literature Review

  • Introduction
  • Theoretical backdrop
  • Evaluation of the used sources
  • Critical consideration of the literature

Research Methodology

  • Main questions and design
  • Statement of the chosen research method
  • Explanation of the methodology value
  • Specification of measures used to collect and examine the data
  • Limitations
  • Moral considerations

Results of the Study

  • Declaration of the established results and their examination
  • Relationship between the obtained results and original goals/questions


  • Line of reasoning of the research results
  • Assessment of the achieved results with the findings of previous researchers
  • Proposition regarding the utilization of the acquired findings for the advanced expansion of the topic and future investigation

The List of References

  • Appendices

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What Does A Dissertation Outline Include?

As mentioned earlier, you will not find a definitive template for writing a dissertation. However, based on your research topic you can prepare a dissertation outline with 4 or 5 parts. But, bring changes to this outline if your university advises. In short, here are the indispensable sections of the dissertation outline. Run through it and learn how to compose every section.

v  Introduction

Divide the outline of your dissertation introduction into three parts. Start the outline of your dissertation outline with an introduction. Here, hem in the general foreword and brief backdrop information on the research problem you will address in your writing.

Next, talk about the problem statement that functions as an idea of the thesis. In the last section, spell out the purpose of your study and the research questions pertinent to your thesis. Along with that, present the importance of the chosen study, including topic relevance.

Keep in mind to provide a clear definition of terms when you writing the introduction section. Also, bring up the individual supposition and exposed limitations, if required. You may also enter additional study details in the introduction of the primary section.

v  Literature Review

Include all the texts that have been described, listed, examined, and studied in detail. Provide a conceptual and theoretical framework to validate the use of provided materials in the dissertation. Additionally, ensure to take account of a thorough review of all the concerned sources depending on the topic variables.

v  Qualitative Methodology

It is one of the most complicated sections in the dissertation outline. For the most part, it manages research design, questions of scientific importance and offers the background for analysis, and explains the substance of the study or participants.

Next, it talks about data collection and extensive analysis. In this section, you will mostly talk about sourced information. Therefore, make sure to cite the relevant citations wherever necessary.

Finally, conclude the qualitative methodology with a brief overview of the method justification.

v  Quantitative Research Methods

It attaches the research design with the explanation of the problem, the problem questions, and the suppositions made. Here, the methodologies related to the samples and population statistics make this section different from the rest of the body of the dissertation outline.

Most prominently, it comprises instrumentation that you used to collect accurate data. It ends with a complete analysis of the research methods.

v  Combined Methodology Analysis

Start your combined dissertation methodology analysis with a short overview and approach pattern by selecting a mixed approach. Then, carry on focusing on your goals and hypotheses. Next, make available the setting and applicable samples.

Choose the research methods that are connected to the collected data. The comprehensive analysis must deal with both judgment and references to scientific journals. In this dissertation segment, work on making the selected section obvious to the reader using opinions on the subject.

v  Research Outcomes

It is the second last chapter of a dissertation outline. This section seeks to explain all the findings. Primarily, this section organizes the research findings either through hypotheses or the mentioned research questions. The introduction should talk about what you have found in the research and the conclusion should go over the analysis of the success of the dissertation.

v  Conclusion

The conclusion is the last section of the dissertation outline. It explains the research findings. After listing down the achieved research goals, the conclusion urges you to think critically about the subject. To make things easier, you must continue your discussion on the research subject here and add a description of your research paper.

Also, suggest ways for further investigation on the subject, if required, and share your opinion on the subject here. However, when you write your dissertation following this outline, you must always check twice before submitting your paper. Ensure that you have included everything.

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From the discussion above, you would have gained a clear idea about how to write a dissertation outline in a well-structured manner using essential components. However, if you struggle to create a lucid copy or lack the writing style for developing a dissertation outline on your subject of research, connect with our experts.

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