140 Excellent Economics Research Topics To Consider

Home » 140 Excellent Economics Research Topics To Consider

Are you an economics student searching for good topics for your research paper? If yes, then keep on reading this blog. To make the topic selection process easier for you, here we have suggested a list of the best economics research topics on various areas associated with the subject. In addition to that, we have also presented a brief overview of economics research paper topic selection and writing. Quickly explore the entire list and choose any ideal topic for composing your economics thesis or dissertation.

How to Prepare an Economics Research Paper

Have your professor asked you to submit an economics research paper? If yes, then topic selection is the first step you should do. In case, your supervisors have not suggested any research ideas, make sure to choose a unique economics research topic that you are interested in. The topic you choose should be understandable for you and your readers, and it should also have a wide research scope with the necessary information for crafting a comprehensive research paper or essay.

After you have selected a research topic for your economics assignment, sketch an outline with the research ideas that you have gathered. Then, with the help of the essay outline you have prepared, draft the research paper in a well-structured manner by including the essential elements such as the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Economics Research Topics

The introduction paragraph of your research paper should have a catchy opening sentence, brief background information on the topic, and a strong thesis statement addressing the purpose of your research paper. After the introduction, in the body paragraphs, you should include innovative topic sentences and explain your arguments with supporting evidence in a way to persuades your reader. Then, you should finally close your research paper with an engaging conclusion that contains a summary of the main points.

How to Select a Perfect Economics Research Topic

If you are unsure how to identify the appropriate topic for your economics research paper, then follow these guidelines

  1. Select a topic that reflects your interests and passions. Your research will become more engaging and inspiring as a result.
  2. Stay informed on the latest discussions, trends, and challenges in the economy. This may stimulate policy, globalization, or economic development-related discussions.
  3. To generate study topics, examine different economic models, theories, or ideas related to international commerce, behavioral economics, or game theory.
  4. You may also consider economics research topics that require empirical study with data from credible sources
  5. Never choose general topics. Instead, make sure to focus on particular aspects or sub-problems within a broader theme.
  6. Pick a research topic on economics that has major economic implications or policy relevance.
  7. Avoid overly researched issues. Give preference to a study topic that has a unique angle or viewpoint.
  8. Evaluate the availability of data, research resources, and any methodological issues. The topic you select should be original, meaningful, relevant, feasible, informative, and have sufficient resources for research.
  9. Consult with your mentors or teachers to improve the quality of the topic you have selected for your economics research.

List of the Best Economics Research Paper Topics

You may think that it is easy to choose a research topic for your economics research paper. But actually, it is not. As economics is a complex and broad subject, choosing a perfect research topic from it is a daunting task.

If you are asked to write an economics research paper or essay, then you can choose a topic from economics research areas such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, behavioral economics, agricultural economics, development economics, financial economics, and so on.

Here, we have sorted different categories of economics topics and have recommended a list of excellent economics research topic ideas for you to consider. Go through the entire list and pick a topic that is ideal for writing academic papers as per your instructor’s requirements.

Economics Research Topics

Agricultural Economics Research Topics

Agricultural economics aims to optimize food systems, farm management, and agricultural policy for sustainability and profitability by applying economic principles. In your economics research paper, you may examine and write about any of these agricultural economics study topics.

  1. Farmer’s contribution to agricultural social capital.
  2. Agricultural economics and agribusiness.
  3. An analysis of economic efficiency in agriculture.
  4. Agricultural and resource economics.
  5. Agricultural economics and environmental considerations of biofuels.
  6. Analysis of food security and poverty status among households in Ehime Mbano
  7. Role of bank loans and credit facility in financing Nigerian Agriculture Sector: a case study of Nigeria’s agricultural cooperative and Rural Development Bank
  8. Evaluation of the impact of micro-finance banks on the South African agriculture sector
  9. How poultry farming is becoming a veritable tool for the economic empowerment of South Africa?
  10. Critical analysis of the problems and prospects of agriculture financing in rural India

Behavioral Economics Research Paper Topics

Behavioral Economics examines how social and psychological variables affect economic choices by questioning the classic rational choice assumptions. Listed below are some study topics about behavioral economics you may analyze in your economics research paper.

  1. What does the economy of trust mean?
  2. How does the brain change when a person is striking a great deal?
  3. The impact of economic stability on the social life of a person
  4. The buying capacity and gender
  5. How does race relate to economic power?
  6. Big data and its implications for behavioral economics
  7. The impact of behavioral finance on investment decisions.
  8. Cognitive and behavioral theories in economics.
  9. Behavior implications of wealth and inequality.
  10. Using behavioral economics to help reduce substance abuse

Development Economics Research Topics

Development economics studies methods for raising living standards, reducing poverty, and boosting economies in emerging nations. For preparing your economics thesis, you may take into account any of the below-listed research topics on developmental economics.

  1. The relation between development and incentive for migration.
  2. The economic consequences of population growth in developing countries.
  3. The determinants of high-performing institutions in emerging economies
  4. The impact of globalization on income distribution in emerging economies
  5. The problems of tax and taxation in connection with economic growth.
  6. The economic impact of terrorism on developing markets.
  7. Investigate the relationship between family planning, labor force, and income fluctuations.
  8. The impact of natural disasters on the economy and political stability of emerging markets.
  9. Budgeting and decision-making by low-income earners in emerging economics
  10. The impact of multinational commodity trading through the development of economic perspective.
  11. Compare and contrast the impact of demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation on a country’s economy
  12. Discuss the impact of multinational commodity trading through the perspective of development economics
  13. Discuss the concepts of mercantilism, linear stages of growth model, economic nationalism, and structural-change theory
  14. Investigate the relationship between unemployment and fluctuations in national income
  15. Compare and contrast the economic patterns of villages across Papua New Guinea

Environmental Economics Research Paper Topics

Typically, environmental economics values natural resources, promotes sustainable development, and examines the financial effects of environmental policy. If you are interested in exploring environmental economics, the list of relevant research topics that have been recommended below might be useful to you.

  1. Explain the energy markets’ economic potential.
  2. How does global warming affect economic growth?
  3. How technological advancement leads to economic growth
  4. Evolution of economic institutions concerning climate change
  5. Cost-benefit analysis of the regulation of the environment
  6. The economic perspectives of the distribution of natural resources across boundaries
  7. The relationship between financial subsidies and the generation of eco-friendly products
  8. Detailed analysis of the European Union Emission Trading System
  9. Why it’s important to analyze the economics of clean drinking water
  10. How wildlife protection affects the economy

Read more: Outstanding Environmental Science Topics for You to Consider

Financial Economics Research Topics

Financial economics studies the structures, markets, and tools that support risk management, investments, and savings. The following are some financial economics research questions that will be convenient for you to study and compose about.

  1. Risk-taking by mutual funds as a response to incentives.
  2. Financial economics for infrastructure and fiscal policy.
  3. Managerial economics and financial accounting as a basis for business
  4. The analysis of the global financial crisis of 2020
  5. Stock market overreaction.
  6. Analyze the relationship between central bank decisions and stock market trends.
  7. Compare and contrast traditional asset pricing models with alternative models.
  8. Assess the disruption caused by FinTech innovations in the banking industry.
  9. Evaluate the informational efficiency of stock markets in developing economies.
  10. Study how psychological factors affect investment choices and market outcomes.
  11. Evaluate the performance of hedge funds in reducing portfolio risk.
  12. Assess the validity of CAPM in explaining stock returns.
  13. Examine historical sovereign debt crises and propose solutions.
  14. Investigate how interest rates influence inflation expectations and vice versa.
  15. Compare financial regulatory frameworks across countries and assess their impact on systemic risk.

Health Economics Research Ideas

Health economics assesses healthcare outcomes, policies, and systems to maximize resource allocation for better health and well-being. If you wish to investigate the relationship between health and economics in your research paper, then you may choose any of the following study topics about health economics.

  1. How do chronic diseases affect the workforce and the economy?
  2. How can public hospitals optimize their revenue collection?
  3. The economics of the pharmaceutical industry
  4. How do chronic diseases affect the workforce and the economy?
  5. How an unhealthy country translates into a poor country
  6. Is the world’s hunger affected by economics?
  7. How does perfect competition work in the pharmaceutical world?
  8. How does an infectious disease outbreak affect the economy?
  9. Is health insurance important?
  10. How is the economy affected by a smoking ban?

Research Paper Topics on International Trade

International trade economics investigates how cross-border trade in capital, products, and services affects global economic interconnectedness. In case, you are curious to analyze and write about international trade in your economics thesis, you can pick any of the below-listed research topics or ideas.

  1. What are the gains and losses of international trade for developing countries?
  2. The importance of international trade in developing countries
  3. The relationship between economic growth and international trade
  4. The impact of Brexit on small and middle businesses in the UK
  5. To what extent does a currency union affect trade?
  6. The roles of exchange rate and exchange rate regime in the US export.
  7. To what extent are the gains of less developed countries from trade liberalization exaggerated?
  8. Foreign direct investment in the United States: Determinants and impact
  9. The relationship between foreign direct investment and wages
  10. The effects of the banana crisis on the Jamaican and British economies

Macroeconomics Research Topics

Macroeconomics studies the different aspects of the economy such as inflation, joblessness, economic expansion, and stabilization measures. In your economics research paper, you may conduct an in-depth exploration of any of the below-recommended study topics about macroeconomics.

  1. Global recession and factors that contribute to it.
  2. The relationship between Internet connectivity and productivity in the workplace.
  3. The relationship between economic growth and unemployment in your country.
  4. Income Dynamics and demographic economics.
  5. What should our government do to minimize the risks of future default?
  6. The connection between politics and economics.
  7. The world problems through macroeconomic analysis.
  8. US Market Liquidity and Macroeconomics.
  9. The structure, history, and activities of the World Bank.
  10. Economics of education in developing markets.
  11. Public policies and socio-economic disparities.
  12. Banks and their role in the economy.
  13. Problems and possible solutions for Japan macroeconomics.
  14. State regulation of the economy in foreign countries: main models of regulation.
  15. The effect of currency devaluation on small and medium firms
  16. A comparison of the United States unemployment to the rest of the world
  17. The relationship between common stock prices and inflation in your country.
  18. Macroeconomics and self-correction of the economy.
  19. Analysis of Africa’s macroeconomics and its performance.
  20. The implications of Internet banking on bank profitability.

Read more: Best Macroeconomics Research Topics and Ideas for Students

Microeconomics Research Topics

Microeconomics examines individual economic entities such as customers, businesses, markets, and pricing processes. When it comes to creating an economics research paper, you may take into account any of the below-listed topics about microeconomics.

  1. Explain how competition influences the price.
  2. Opportunity costs explained from a microeconomics perspective
  3. Inflation sources and consequences explained
  4. The impact of demonetization on small and medium businesses
  5. The connection between the minimum wage and market equilibrium.
  6. Perfect competition in microeconomics
  7. Theories in microeconomics
  8. The effect of labor force participation on the economy and budget
  9. Economic inequality as a result of globalization.
  10. Explain the balance between supply and demand in microeconomics
  11. Dynamics of the Gini index as a reflection of the problem of inequality in income
  12. Privatization of Public Enterprises and its implications on economic policy and development
  13. How does the stock market work?
  14. The impact of game theory on economic development.
  15. The changes in oil prices: causes and solutions.
  16. Marketing uses in microeconomics.
  17. The economic explanation of political dishonesty.
  18. How company mergers and dissolutions impact the economy
  19. The role of tax collection agencies in microeconomics
  20. Different microeconomic models and how they face the effect of industry conditions

A Few More Microeconomics Research Ideas

Do you need any other microeconomics research topics? If so, the list published here might be useful to you. In the list, we have included some additional study topics about microeconomics that will be convenient for you to analyze thoroughly and prepare an evidence-based research paper.

  1. How exactly does Uber fit into the economy of trust?
  2. How does a person’s brain alter when they hit a big deal?
  3. missing practical human insights from big data and how this affects the economy.
  4. explaining how supply and demand are balanced in microeconomics
  5. Changes in economic institutions about climate change
  6. Effects of greenhouses on economic growth
  7. Effects of climate change on economic growth
  8. Analysis of the European Union Emission Trading System in great detail
  9. Is resource management for waste scarce? A microeconomics explanation of opportunity costs
  10. Effects of wildlife protection on the economy

Interesting Economics Research Topics

To compose your economics research paper, select a topic that falls within your area of interest or passion so that you can enjoy your study process and come up with potential insights. The following are some economics research topics that will be exciting for you to analyze and compose a detailed thesis.

  1. What role does entrepreneurship play in economic development?
  2. How do automation and artificial intelligence affect the labor market?
  3. Discuss the Economics of healthcare systems and policies in developing countries.
  4. Explain the effects of trade agreements on income distribution.
  5. How does foreign aid affect economic development?
  6. Explain the impact of monetary policy on financial markets and inflation.
  7. Discuss the effects of income inequality on social mobility.
  8. How does tax reform impact business investment?
  9. Explain the role of microfinance in alleviating poverty.
  10. How does behavioral economics impact personal savings habits?

The Bottom Line

Economics is a broad discipline that has limitless research opportunities. In this blog, we suggested a list of diverse economics research topics on various themes such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, international trade, development economics, and more for you to get started. But while you choose a topic for your economics research paper, prefer a topic that aligns with your interests, skills, and goals. You may also explore new areas of study to stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of economics. Mainly, by investigating economics research topics or examining the intricacies of economic theory, policy, and practice, you can contribute meaningfully to the ongoing discussion in economics, inform policy decisions, and drive positive change in the world. If you struggle to choose the right topic and develop a detailed research paper on economics, get guidance from the economics experts on our team and wrap up your assignment accurately and on time.

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