An Absolute Guide on How to Write an Autobiography

Home » An Absolute Guide on How to Write an Autobiography

All of us have some story to share with others. Though, we often get dazed with what to share when asked to write an academic autobiography paper. Moreover, most of us don’t know how to write an autobiography. As a result, hundreds of question appears in the brain. For example,

  1. What is the primary subject of the autobiography?
  2. How do I begin writing about it?
  3. Should I include everything about myself in the essay?
  4. What should I incorporate in an autobiography?
  5. What can I do to make interesting content in my life?

If these questions clog your mind and you are looking for a concrete solution, then, this blog can be of great help to you. From here, you can clarify your ideas on the concept of an autobiography, and learn about its types, steps, tips, and many more details on the subject.

What Is An Autobiography And What Is Its Purpose?

If you are assigned to write an autobiography, don’t confuse it with the autobiography you find in the life story of famous people. Then, what is an autobiography assignment, and how to write an autobiography assignment? An autobiography paper is a typical essay about your personal experience. It can be about your feeling or the events of your life. Usually, you will be asked to write an autobiography as a part of your scholarship application or application for admission to an academic institution. It might seem quite absurd that you have to write about your life to get financial aid for your education.

However, the truth is the education system in the USA is becoming very competitive with every passing day. Therefore, to handpick the students, the scholarship councils, colleges, and universities are following stricter and more complicated methods to select the best candidates. When you write an autobiography, make sure to link your life experiences or objectives with the specific university. For example, you can highlight it like:

  1. How the institution can help you achieve your goal?
  2. How are you prepared for getting a seat in a given program at the university while you went through a personal crisis?

It will increase the value of your writing.

Write an Autobiography

What Are The Types Of Autobiographies?

When you set out to learn how to write an autobiography, you will notice that typically you can write autobiographies in 4 structural formats. Get in touch with the admission or scholarship granting authority and confirm the type of autobiography they want you to write. Otherwise, if you have the upper hand to choose what you want to write, take a look at the structures below:

1.        Traditional Autobiography

This is the form of autobiography we are used to reading when we go through the life stories of famous personalities. A traditional autobiography highlights the story of a person’s life right from birth. Moreover, it documents the stories of every stage of life. Then, it covers the events of childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and the present day of life.

If you choose to write a traditional autobiography for academic purposes, ensure to talk about your failures as well. It will make your essay more compelling and highlight your characteristic traits of overcoming the situation.

2.        Memoir

Often you don’t get the liberty to use a good length of words for writing your autobiography. In that case, a memoir can be an excellent choice. Here, you uphold a specific event, place, relationship, or period of life. Then, you discuss how these elements have influenced your life.

As an example, you can talk about the impact of your hometown of your childhood days in shaping your personality. Similarly, you can also highlight how the relationship with a person changed your life.

3.         Personal Essay

Personal essays are the most intimate type of autobiography. Hence, you explain the events of your life in detail and how they impacted you and your values. Also, this essay happens to be the oldest form of personal essay. Here, you must focus on your reader’s feelings. They must feel that they are a physical witness to your life story.

4.        Confessional Autobiography

Confessional autobiographies are typically written for documenting past wrongdoings. It helps to release the mental stress, pain, and agony and find comfort in owning up to the mistake. If you write confessional autobiographies, develop them in a way that you can alert others from doing the mentioned mistake.

How to Write an Autobiography?

To write a premium quality autobiography, take the following 8 steps:

1.      Read a Famous Autobiography

Before you begin an autobiography, make sure to read other similar works. It can be of famous personalities or copies of your friends. To begin with, go through the works of personalities you admire. Then, read your friend’s copy.  It will help to hit the following two stones:

  1. You can get familiar with the style and structure of writing and the kind of information you must include in your writing. It will help you get acquainted with the writing style, structure, and type of information that should be shared.
  2. You can find the difference between a professional’s writing to that of an amateur.

2.      Recall Your Life Events

Once you have a clear idea of what an autobiography looks like, the next step is to recall the events of your life.  Remember the fascinating experiences or the awkward events that blotched your earlier days of life. If required, take assistance from your friend and family to bring to your mind specific incidents that you might otherwise have missed out on. For example, you may never remember the funny events of your childhood. However, if someone reminds you of such an incident, you can easily include it in your writing.

3.      Classify Your Thoughts

To make scripting your life experiences easier, adhere to a rational method. Enlist your ideas to ensure that you include all the essential details or periods in your life, and organize your memories with the help of lists.

Categorize the list into different headings like family, school, social gatherings, workplace, friends, outings, etc..

4.      Narrow Down Your Focus

Irrespective of the type of autobiography you write, you cannot focus on all the minute details of your life. However, if you do the same, the essay will appear as a list of events and not make it compelling or interesting to read. Hence, try to focus on relationships, times, or events that you find interesting and important in your life.

5.      Discover the Possibilities

Now that you have shortlisted the topic, it is time to come up with different ideas regarding your chosen life events. We have mentioned a few points on which you can find ideas to make your writing more impactful.

  1. Is there a thing that you love and hate about a person or event?
  2. How you are emotionally attached with a specific person or the event of life?
  3. Are there any precise details that you would want to share with your readers?
  4. How do you expect your readers to feel after reading your life description?
  5. What is the significance of these events in your life?
  6. How did the people or event impact your life?
  7. What do you want to highlight in your writing?

6.      Create an Outline

After choosing the most significant event on which you want to develop your essay, create the outline for your paper. It helps to make a logical paper effortlessly. Decide what you want to include in each section of your solution – introduction, body, and conclusion. We have shared a detailed discussion of the outline of an autobiography below. Read to get a deeper insight.

7.      Make the First Draft

Once you have completed all the prewriting steps, it is time to concentrate on making the first draft. Make sure to include only the pertinent information and not exaggerate the length with fluffs. Plus, stay away from using insignificant events. It will bore your readers and your writing will lose its relevance in the crowd. Moreover, it can become a roadblock to getting your admission or scholarship. Another important point that you must pay attention to is the accurate use of grammar and syntax.

8.      Get Feedback

Ask your friends or members of your family to share their opinion on your writing. It is because they can give you unfiltered feedback and help to improve the quality of your content. However, double-check to find any mistakes in your paper.

Read more: Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Students

How to Outline an Autobiography?

As we stated earlier, if you have a definite structure and outline, you can easily write your autobiography. Take the help of this outline to develop the story of your life or personal events in chronological order. It will function as the blueprint for writing your autobiography and help to keep all data in place.

1.  Introduction

Employ the introductory paragraph to present yourself to the reader, without sharing excessive detail. Sketch a common image of yourself, asserting your name, age, personality traits, etc.

2.  Body

The main body holds the bulk information about your topic of autobiography. Talk about the noteworthy proceedings and give accurate details. Separate the data into diverse paragraphs and build a logical rapport with them.

3.  Conclusion

Complete your concluding paragraph with thought-provoking information. It will help you to give something to your audience to linger on even after they complete reading your content. You can attain these objectives by writing about a variety of life lessons or how negative experiences turned into a boon and helped you become a better human being.

Tips To Write an Autobiography

Here are the simplest tips that you must follow to develop a premium quality autobiography

  1. Catch your reader’s attention from the beginning of the paper
  2. Don’t make your autobiography a replica of your resume
  3. Use languages sensitively
  4. Make your writing in a way that your reader feels that your characters in the story are real.
  5. Don’t make your writing a replica of your journal.
  6. Create brief but detailed content.
  7. Create the document according to the given format and the instructor’s rules.


If you stick to these steps and guidelines, you can easily know how to write an autobiography and craft intriguing and informative content. However, if you still feel that developing engaging content is too difficult for you, then connect with our essay-writing experts.

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