Read and Understand How to Write a Research Proposal

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Are you in the plan of doing an advanced research project? If yes, then you must definitely have funds besides your topic to proceed with your research work. Remember, you can easily handle the topic selection phase by hunting for the best research proposal topics on the internet. However, when compared to all the major research activities, convincing the professors and the sponsors of research to provide financial support is one of the most strenuous processes. In order to get fund approval from the sponsors for your research work, you need to present a persuasive research proposal. Do you know what a research proposal means? Are you aware of how to write a research proposal? If you have no idea, then continue reading this blog. Here, for your convenience, we have explained in detail on research proposal writing.

Before moving to the research proposal writing steps, first, let us see the definition and the purpose of a research proposal.

What is a Research Proposal?

If you have never written a doctoral research paper, you may never know what a research proposal is or how to write a research proposal.  A research proposal is a draft you send to large organizations and committees to finance your research. It highlights the following details:

  1. What you will explore in your academic research work?
  2. Why it’s essential in the field of study?
  3. How you will perform your research?

Depending on your academic field, the format for developing your research proposal will vary. However, most research proposals consist of all the following elements:

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction
  3. Literature review
  4. Research design
  5. Reference list

Nonetheless, though the chapters may vary, the general objective of the research proposal writing remains the same. If you look from a different perspective, you may call a research proposal a blueprint and guide to devise your research plan. It also helps you to get prepared and confident about the way you choose to write your dissertation proposal.

Why Should You Write a Research Proposal?

Writing a research proposal helps you to meet several purposes. To begin with, as said earlier, if you know how to write a research proposal, you can apply for funding for your doctoral research. Your instructors and educational institutions also get to know the significance of your project.

Moreover, if you are pursuing a bachelor’s degree program, your academic curriculum may bind you to devise a research proposal before you begin your end-of-academic-session dissertation or thesis paper writing.

Plus, you cannot deny how helpful dissertation proposal writing is to figuring out the final look of your dissertation.

These are the exterior objectives of writing a dissertation proposal. But, at its core, research proposals aim to tick off the following target:


Emphasize to your readers why your research is intriguing, original, and significant to your field of study.


Show your comfort and acquaintance with your field.

Illustrate that you recognize the present position of research on your topic.


Develop a case for your methodology.

Demonstrate that you have cautiously considered the information, tools, and actions necessary to conduct your research.


Confirm that you can complete your research within the timeline of your program or funding deadline.

How Long Should Your Research Proposal Be?

Understanding the length of a research proposal can be quite tricky. It primarily varies with the academic level and the subject of research. For example, bachelor’s or master’s thesis proposals can length to just a page or two, while proposals for doctoral research can go up to 5 pages. Your supervisor can guide you in deciding on the best length for your work.

The typical length of a research proposal is as follows:

  1. Bachelor’s or master’s thesis proposals: 500 – 1500 words
  2. Doctoral research proposals – 1500 -2500 words

If this description does not help you understand the length of your thesis proposal accurately, imagine the structure of your research proposal as a compact version of your dissertation or a research paper that does not include the results, conclusion, and discussion chapters. You can then get a clear idea of how your dissertation proposal will look like.

What Should Your Research Proposal Contain?

A research proposal must have

  1. Title page – It gives a clear indication of how you want to approach your dissertation or the primary question of your research
  2. Introduction and background – Here, you must introduce your essay topic and state the backdrop and primary issues of your research
  3. Literature review – It indicates that you have a solid knowledge of the present theories of your research
  4. Research design and methods – The theoretical framework and the research design that you must follow to accomplish your proposed work
  5. Implication– States what you aim to contribute to your field of study and how it will matter to your field.
  6. Conclusion – It reemphasizes the significance of your ideas and stresses the reasons they must be followed.
  7. Reference list – Mention all the external sources from which you have collected information or you have cited in your paper.

Remember: If your research proposal is too long, include two additional sections:

  1. Table of contents – It is the list of chapters included in the dissertation proposal along with the page numbers in which it is contained
  2. Abstract – An abstract is a summary of the dissertation proposal that you state in just a few words. Download our research proposal template

Research Proposal

How Should You Proofread Your Research Proposal?

By now we have covered all the aspects of research proposal writing. However, your learning how to write a research proposal remains incomplete unless you know the methods of editing and proofreading your paper. You must emphasize using correct grammar and spelling. Additionally, pay attention to developing high-quality content. You can do it if you ensure that you have not included the following elements in the document:

  1. Vague language
  2. Redundant words
  3. Awkward phrases

Another thing that you must pay attention to is the stage of proofreading and editing. Remember, you can edit your document from the time you make the first draft. Therefore, pay attention to the contents of the paper while you allow your ideas to flow. However, you can only proofread your paper after you have written it. At this stage, pay close attention to errors in the spelling and grammar of the document.  Here are a few foolproof editing and proofreading techniques for developing a flawless research proposal.

Editing methods

Consider the following points for editing your solution.


  1. Have you answered all parts of the question?
  2. Did you include at least one argument?
  3. Do all of the sections hold up the thesis?

Overall Structure

  1. Have you included a clear introduction and conclusion?
  2. Did you arrange the paragraphs logically?
  3. Are the paragraph transitions apparent?

Structure within Paragraphs

  1. Does each section have a clear topic sentence?
  2. Do the paragraphs go after the thesis?
  3. Have you included any additional or missing supporting paragraphs in each paragraph?


  1. Have you defined all the terms clearly for the reader?
  2. Is the meaning of the sentence apparent?
  3. Have you selected the best terms to showcase your ideas?


  1. Have you used an appropriate tone for the audience?
  2. Did you include various sentence lengths throughout the paper?
  3. Can you locate any unnecessary phrases, such as “due to the fact that” in your research proposal?


  1. Have you formatted your citations accurately?
  2. Are your paraphrasing and quotations appropriately cited?

Proofreading Techniques

  1. Read aloud your paper. Sometimes words are pronounced differently in your head than they sound on paper.
  2. Enlist all errors that you commonly make and watch out for them.
  3. Read back the texts. It becomes easy to correct written mistakes.
  4. Proofread for only one kind of error at a time.
  5. Double-check the whole thing:
  • Proper names
  • Citations
  • Punctuation
  • Page numbers
  • Header/footer material
  • Fonts
  • Read slowly but carefully.

How Should You Create a Research Proposal Title Page?

Similar to any dissertation or thesis, a research proposal also has a title page. It includes the following parts:

  1. The projected title of your project
  2. Your name
  3. The name of your supervisor
  4. Your institution and department

How to Write the Introduction of a Research Proposal

The first part of your proposal is the initial pitch for your project. To learn how to create a research proposal introduction, you must have a clear idea of how to explain what you want to do in your research and why.

Plus, ensure to include the following sections in your research proposal introduction:

  1. Introduce your topic
  2. Share essential background and context
  3. Sketch your problem statement and research questions

Additionally, take care that your introduction answers the following question explicitly:

  1. Who possibly has an interest in the topic (e.g., scientists, policymakers)
  2. How much does everybody know about the topic
  3. What is absent from this current knowledge
  4. What new insights your research will add
  5. Why do you believe this study is worth doing

Procedure for Writing a Literature Review

As you commence writing the dissertation proposal, it’s essential to showcase that you are conversant in the most significant research on your topic. A well-built literature review demonstrates to your reader that your project has a stable foundation in obtainable knowledge or theory. It also lets everybody see that you’re not simply showing again what other people have already done or said, but to a certain extent using obtainable research as a jumping-off point for your own.

In this section, communicate exactly how your project will add to the presently available data in your field of study. The following ways will help you communicate better:

  1. Evaluating and distinguishing the main theories, methods, and debates
  2. Investigating the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches
  3. Elucidating how will you construct, challenge, or create a prior scholarship

Learn How to Identify Research Design and Methodology

After the literature review, repeat your main objectives. This brings the focus of your readers back to your project. In your research design or methodology section, discuss the overall approach and the realistic steps you will have to take to answer your research questions.

To build a research proposal methodology, consider the following points:

Research type

  1. Qualitative or quantitative?
  2. Unique data collection or primary and secondary source analysis?
  3. Evocative, correlational, or experimental research design?

Masses and sample

  1. Who or what will you survey (e.g., high school students in New York; regional newspaper archives 1976-80)?
  2. How will you choose your subjects (e.g., probability sampling, non-probability sampling)?
  3. When and where will you gather your data?

Research methods

  1. What data collection gear and procedures will you use (e.g., surveys, interviews, observational studies, experiments) and why?


  1. How long will you need?
  2. In what will you get access to your populace?
  3. How will you deal with any obstacles you come across?

Implication/Conclusion of the knowledge

To conclude your proposal on a sound note, explore the probable implications of your research for your subject. Accentuate again what you aim to add and why it is essential.

For example, your results might have a proposition for:

  1. Enhancing best practices
  2. Notifying policymaking decisions
  3. Intensifying a theory or model
  4. Defying popular or scientific beliefs
  5. Developing a basis for future research

Reference list

Lastly, your research proposal must incorporate accurate citations for every external source you have used, and amassed in a reference list.

How Should You Prepare a Research Schedule?

Some institutions or sponsors ask for a detailed timeline of the project, mandating you to predict how long you will need to complete a stage of the research and what will you do in this stage. Though you may not be required to do it every time, ensure that you recheck your program requirements. Here’s an illustration of a timetable to help you embark on the journey of writing a dissertation proposal. Use it if you require it.

Illustration of a research schedule

Research stage


Closing date

1. Background study and literature review
  1. Connect with the supervisor for an initial discussion
  2. Study and examine relevant literature
  3. Use innovative knowledge to refine research questions
  4. Design theoretical framework
20th February
2. Research development planning
  1. Develop questionnaires
  2. Recognize channels for recruiting participants
  3. Finalize sampling methods and data examination methods
13th March
3. Data compilation and preparation
  1. Recruit participants and send out questionnaires
  2. Conduct semi-structured interviews with chosen participants
  3. Transcribe and code interviews
  4. Clean data
24th April
4. Data analysis
  1. Statistically examine survey data
  2. Perform thematic analysis of interview records
  3. Outline results and discussion sections
22nd May
5. Writing
  1. Finish a full thesis draft
  2. Connect with your instructor to talk about feedback and revisions
17th July
6. Revision
  1. Finish 2nd draft based on instructor’s advice
  2. Get supervisor consent for the final draft
  3. Proofread
  4. Print and bind the final research proposal
  5. Submit
28th August

How Should you Develop a Budget for your Research?

If you are applying for research sponsorship, you may need to include a detailed budget. This highlights your assessment of how much each section of your project will cost.

Confirm what type of costs the funding body will consent to cover. For every item, include:

  1. Cost: The exact amount  of money you need to do your research
  2. Justification: Why is this cost necessary to complete the research?
  3. Source: How did you calculate the amount?

To determine your budget, think about:

  1. Travel costs: Do you need to go to some place to gather your data? How will you get there, and how long will you need? What will you perform there (e.g., interviews, archival research)?
  2. Materials: Do you require admittance to any gear or technologies?
  3. Help: Do you require employing any research assistants for the project? How will they work, and what amount will you pay them?

Read more: Learn How To Write A Research Statement

Learn How to Write a Research Proposal

Developing a proposal can be quite tricky if writing is not your forte, but completing this task is not inconvenient. You just have to dedicate yourself to completing the task. Here are some tips on developing a dissertation thesis that can help you.

1.  Select a Topic

Before you start writing your proposal, you must select a topic. As mentioned earlier, go with a topic to research that covers some gaps of knowledge that are present in your subject of study. Furthermore, ensure that there is scope to fill in this knowledge gap.

2.  Pre-Writing

Pre-write before beginning any project; note down every word, sentence, or idea that pops up in your mind on a piece of paper, irrespective of its significance. Do not stop until you feel it is necessary. After some time, you will find scores of intriguing and coherent thoughts and ideas in your paper!

3.  Research

To facilitate filling in this existing gap of knowledge, read a lot of relevant materials. Search for whatever data you require to hold up the findings or deduction you come to. Go through scientific journals, study key explanations of historical events, and never step back from taking advice from others who have been through your journey.

4.  Take Notes

Annotate and take notes when reading. You will find it helpful to understand what information is significant and what information is negligible. Also, this helps you to keep your thoughts and research organized.

5.  Outline

Develop a research proposal outline. It will act like the founding stones and structure of a house, and the words are the bricks and wood that are built surrounding it. Additionally, you can stay organized and avoid tumbling down the “rabbit hole”. Plus, you can avoid needless content that de-tracks from your main idea and focus on a task.

6.  Write your paper

Robert Heinlein, the American science fiction writer once answered “Just write” when someone just asked him – what was his secret to writing. You must follow his footprints while writing a research proposal as well. Type a few words every day until you are finished. In due course, you will be done writing the document, and be ready to present it to your committee.

7.  Mind Your Audience

We offer this advice for all types of writing. Write your paper for your audience. Ensure to use appropriate language in your proposal. Moreover, steer away from using colloquialisms or slang if not they are directly connected to the subject of your study or uplift your writing.

Also, write to make your words understandable for all. Avoid using jargon or research methods that your readers are not familiar with. Additionally, if you are mentioning new methods or jargon, ensure to explain and define them clearly in the footnotes or text.


Hopefully, by now, you will have gained a better comprehension of how to write a research proposal. Whenever you are asked to submit a research proposal, make sure to create one by following the steps and tips suggested in this blog. In case, you lack the skills necessary for research proposal writing, approach us immediately.

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