220 Brilliant Math Research Topics and Ideas for Students

Home » 220 Brilliant Math Research Topics and Ideas for Students

Do you have to submit a math research paper? Are you looking for the best math research topics? Well, in this blog post, we have shared a list of 220 interesting math research topics to consider for assignments and academic projects. If you are a student who is pursuing a degree in mathematics, then you can very well use the topic ideas suggested here. Also, you can check this blog post and get to know the important steps for writing a brilliant math research paper.

Math Research Topics

What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is a broad academic discipline that focuses on numbers, structures, spaces, and shapes. This subject contains many analysis and calculation methods. Especially in the real world, math is considered an effective problem-solving tool. By using math, you can find solutions for both simple and complex problems.

Mathematics is an integrated language that is widely used in several fields such as engineering, physics, medicine, finance, computer, business, and biology. Apart from the complex scientific fields, even math plays a vital role in the basic cost and time calculation in our everyday lives.

Different Branches of Mathematics

Listed below are some popular branches of mathematics.

Arithmetic: It is a basic branch of math that focuses on numbers and their associated operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Algebra: When the numbers are unknown, algebra steps in. Generally, along with numbers, algebra uses the letters such as A, B, X, and Y to represent unknown quantities. Mainly, businesses depend on algebra concepts to predict their sales.

Geometry: It is a popular branch of mathematics that deals with shapes, sizes, and figures. The concept commonly revolves around lines, points, solids, angles, and surfaces.

Apart from all these common branches, mathematics also includes more advanced types such as calculus, trigonometry, statistics, topology, probability, etc.

How to Write a Math Research Paper

In general, a math research paper is an academic paper that is prepared to explain a mathematical concept with proper results. For writing a math research paper, first, you must have a good research topic from any branch of mathematics. As math is a vast discipline, you can easily search and find plenty of research topics from it. But when you have many topics, then it will be more tedious to identify one perfect topic out of them all.

Right now, are you searching for a perfect math research topic? Well, then this is what you should do during the topic selection process to spot the right topic.

Topic Selection

Whenever you are asked to come up with a research paper topic on your own, initially, restrict yourself to the research area that you have strong knowledge of and are passionate about. Next, in that research area, explore and identify one great topic that has a broad scope to evaluate and express your ideas.

Remember, the topic you select should be comfortable for you to perform research and write about. Never pick a topic with less or no research scope. The topic should support the research method of your choice. Most importantly, give preference to the topic that has wide research information, references, and evidence. Also, before finalizing the topic, check whether your topic satisfies your instructor’s guidelines.

Research Paper Writing

After you have found a good math research topic, you can proceed to write the research paper. The research paper you write should follow a proper format and structure. So, in the math research paper, make sure to include the following essential sections.

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Implications


In the introduction section, you should first give brief background information about your topic to familiarize your readers. Here, mainly you should explain the primary concepts along with the history of its terms. Also, you should state the basic research problem and discuss the symbols and principles that you are going to use in the essay.


The body of your research paper should elaborate on all your findings. Particularly, in the body paragraphs, you should talk about the formulas, theories, and mathematical analysis methods you have used to find solutions for the research problem.


The implication is the last or closing part of your research paper. Here, you should share your research insights with the readers. Also, you should include a summary of all the important points that you have discussed in the entire essay.

Tips for Choosing a Good Math Research Topic

It might be confusing for you to identify a good topic for your math research paper, but by following these tips you can spot the appropriate topic for your study.

  • Identify which area in mathematics you are interested in and then pick a topic relevant to it. For instance, you may perform math research on topics from areas such as number theory, geometry, algebra, and so on.
  • To generate math research paper topics, look for open problems or conjectures in math journals, conferences, or online forums.
  • Select a math research topic that is doable and has sufficient resources for the study.
  • Give preference to math research ideas that have a close connection with other fields or any real-world applications.
  • If the topic you have chosen is broad, narrow it down. Always focus on a specific research topic or a question with a good scope for discussion and analysis.
  • Make sure the math research topic you have selected is original and can be approached from a fresh perspective
  • Discuss your math research idea with professors, researchers, or classmates and then obtain their insight and feedback. This will help you refine your idea and come up with high-quality work.

List of the Best Math Research Topics

Are you struggling to come up with a good math research paper topic for your assignment? No worries! Here we have shared a list of top-rated math research topic ideas on various branches of mathematics.

Math Research Topics

Explore them all and find a topic that suits you perfectly.

Simple and Easy Math Topics

If you want to perform math research effortlessly, then take into account any of the topics based on the fundamental concepts of mathematics rather than complex ideas. Listed below are a few simple math study topics that will be easy for you to examine.

  1. Explain the working of Partial fractions.
  2. Discuss the application of Mathematics in daily life.
  3. What is the basis of Cramer’s rule?
  4. How to solve Heesch’s problem?
  5. Explain the history of calculus.
  6. What is Euler’s formula?
  7. Explain the working of Logarithms.
  8. What are the different types of sequences?
  9. Explain the different types of Transformations.
  10. Define Brun’s constant.
  11. What are the methods of factoring quadratics?
  12. Examine Archimedean solids.
  13. Explain Gaussian elimination.
  14. Write about encryption and prime numbers.
  15. How does Hypercube work?
  16. Analyze Pygaoethores Theorem
  17. Describe the logicist definitions of mathematics
  18. Describe the purpose of homological algebra
  19. Compare and contrast Concave and Convex in geometry
  20. The study and contributions of Blaise Pascal to Probability
  21. Explain the Fibonacci series briefly
  22. How the Ancient Greek architecture influenced by mathematics?
  23. Discuss the ancient Egyptian mathematical applications and accomplishments
  24. Discuss the easiest ways to memorize algebraic expressions
  25. Algebra is an exposition on the invariants of matrices – Explain

Basic Math Topics for Middle School Students

Do you need math research topics for middle school students? Take a look below. In the list, we have suggested some fascinating research topics on mathematics for middle school students to get started.

  1. Define the Artin-Wedderburn theorem.
  2. How to calculate net worth?
  3. How to identify critical points in graphs?
  4. What is the role of statistics in business?
  5. Describe the principles of the Pythagoras theorem.
  6. What are the applications of finance in math?
  7. What do limits in math mean?
  8. Explain the ratio and root test.
  9. Define Jacobson’s density theorem.
  10. What are the principles of calculus?

Interesting Math Topics for High School Students

If it is challenging for you to identify a good math research topic for your high school assignment, make use of the list published here. For high school students, we have provided some interesting math research questions in the list to explore.

  1. What are the different number types? Explain with examples.
  2. Explain the need for imaginary numbers.
  3. How to calculate the interest rate?
  4. How to solve a matrix?
  5. How to prepare a chart of a company’s financial analysis?
  6. When to use a calculator in class?
  7. Explain the importance of the Binomial theorem.
  8. Write about Egyptian mathematics.
  9. Describe the applications of math in the workplace.
  10. How to solve linear equations?
  11. Describe the usage of hyperbola in math.
  12. Why do so many students hate math?
  13. What is the difference between algebra and arithmetic?
  14. How to calculate the mean value?
  15. What is the numerical data?

Math Research Paper Topics for Undergraduate Students

Are you an undergraduate student searching for math research ideas? Get help from the list uploaded below. To make the topic selection easier for students, in the list, we have added some exclusive research paper topics and ideas on different math disciplines.

  1. Explain the different theories of mathematical logic.
  2. Discuss the origins of Greek symbols in mathematics.
  3. Explain the significance of circles.
  4. Analyze predictive models.
  5. Explain the emergence of patterns in chaos theory.
  6. Define abstract algebra.
  7. What is a continuous stochastic process?
  8. Write about the history of algebra.
  9. Analyze Monte Carlo methods for inverse problems.
  10. What are the goals of standardized testing?
  11. Define the Pentagonal number theorem.
  12. Discuss the Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction hypothesis in relativity.
  13. How to solve simultaneous equations.
  14. How do supercomputers solve complex mathematical problems?
  15. What is a parabola in geometry?

Math Research Topics

Math Research Topics for College Students

In this section, we have provided a list of incredible math research topics for college students. If you require a perfect math research topic for your college assignment, from the list, choose any study topic that aligns with your needs and explore it extensively.

  1. Explain the Fibonacci sequence.
  2. What are the core problems of computational geometry?
  3. Discuss the practical applications of game theory.
  4. What is the Traveling Salesman Problem?
  5. Describe the Influence of math in biology.
  6. Analyze the meaning of fractals.
  7. Discuss the origin and evolution of mathematics.
  8. What is quantum computing?
  9. Explain Einstein’s field equation theory.
  10. What is the influence of math on chemistry?
  11. How to solve a Rubik’s cube mathematically?
  12. How to do complex numbers division?
  13. Explain the use of Boolean functions.
  14. Analyze the degrees in polynomial functions.
  15. How to solve Sudoku using mathematics?
  16. Explain the use of set theory.
  17. Explain the math behind the Koch snowflake.
  18. Explore the varieties of the Tower of Hanoi solutions.
  19. What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous probability distribution?
  20. How does encryption work?

Applied Math Research Topics

Applied Mathematics is the practical application of mathematical principles to solve real-world issues in domains such as physics, engineering, and economics. If you wish to explore practical issues in your math research paper, then you may work on any of the below-listed applied math study topics.

  1. What is the role of algorithms in probabilistic modeling?
  2. Explain the significance of step-stress modeling.
  3. Describe Newton’s laws of motion.
  4. What dimensions are used to examine fingerprints?
  5. Analyze statistical signal processing.
  6. How to do Galilean transformation?
  7. What is the role of mathematicians in crime data analysis and prevention?
  8. Explain the uncertainty principle.
  9. Discuss Liouville’s theorem in Hamiltonian mechanics.
  10. Analyze the perpendicular axes rule.

Business Math Research Topics

Business Math typically focuses on the mathematical principles and methods used to analyze and solve problems in finance, accounting, and management. In case, you are passionate about finance-related things, then in your research paper, you may investigate any of these business math topics.

  1. What is the difference between a loan and a mortgage?
  2. How to calculate sales tax?
  3. Explore the math behind debt amortization.
  4. How do businesses use statistics?
  5. What is the economic lot scheduling problem?
  6. Explain how loans work.
  7. Discuss the significance of business math in real life.
  8. Define discount factor.
  9. What are the major causes of a stock market crash?
  10. Compare the uses of different types of charts.
  11. Describe the notions of markups and markdowns.
  12. How does critical path analysis work?
  13. What are the pros and cons of annuities?
  14. When to use multi-period models?
  15. Compare business and consumer math.

Advanced Math Research Paper Topics

In your math research paper, you may examine and write about any of the below-listed advanced math topics. Calculus, differential equations, and number theory are some examples of advanced mathematical principles used in specific domains.

  1. What is an oblivious transfer?
  2. Compare the Riemann and the Ruelle zeta functions.
  3. What are the different types of knapsack problems?
  4. Define an abelian group.
  5. What are the algorithms used for machine learning?
  6. Define various cases of algebraic cycles.
  7. When a trigonometric series is called a Fourier series?
  8. What is the minimum overlap problem?
  9. What are the basic properties of holomorphic functions?
  10. Describe the Bernoulli scheme.

Complex Math Research Topics

Complex Math is the study of mathematical structures including non-real numbers such as complex analysis and complex geometry. Listed below are a few complex math study topics you may investigate in your mathematics research paper.

  1. Write about Napier’s bones.
  2. What makes a number big?
  3. Examine the notion of operator spaces.
  4. How do barcodes function?
  5. Define Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection.
  6. What are the peculiarities of Borel’s paradox?
  7. How to design a train schedule for a whole country?
  8. Describe a hyperboloid in 3D geometry.
  9. What is an orthodiagonal quadrilateral?
  10. Explain how the Iwasawa theory relates to modular forms.

Math Research Ideas on Probability and Statistics

Probability and Statistics focus on the study of chance events, data analysis, and inference for making educated judgments. Here are some amazing research questions on probability and statistics you may examine in your math thesis.

  1. Roll two dice and calculate a probability.
  2. Write about the Factorial moment in the Theory of Probability.
  3. Explain the principle of maximum entropy.
  4. Compare and contrast Cochran’s C test and his Q test.
  5. Discuss Skorokhod’s representation theorem in random variables
  6. How to apply the ANOVA method to rank.
  7. Analyze the De Moivre-Laplace theorem.
  8. What is the autoregressive conditional duration?
  9. Explain a negative probability.
  10. Discuss the practical applications of the Bates distribution.

Algebra Research Topics

Algebra deals with the study of variables, equations, and functions used to solve systems and model relationships. If you are fascinated by numbers, then for your math research, you may choose any of the below-listed study topics on algebra.

  1. Explain Descartes’ Rule of Signs.
  2. How to factor quadratics?
  3. What is the use of F-algebras?
  4. Discuss the differential equation.
  5. What is the difference between eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
  6. What are the properties of a binary operation in algebra?
  7. What is a commutative ring in algebra?
  8. Discuss the origin of the distance formula.
  9. Explain the quadratic formula.
  10. Analyze the unary operator.
  11. Define range and domain in algebra.
  12. Describe the Noetherian ring.
  13. Discuss the Morita duality in algebraic structures.
  14. Define the Abel–Ruffini theorem.
  15. What is the use of determinants?

Math Research Paper Topics on Geometry

Geometry is the study of object shapes, sizes, and placements, with a focus on qualities and relationships. In case, you are curious about examining shapes and sizes, then in your math research paper, you may address any of these geometry topics.

  1. Research the real-life uses of a rhombicosidodecahedron.
  2. Find out the solutions to Buffon’s needle problem.
  3. What is unique about right triangles?
  4. What is the Klein bottle?
  5. What are the Archimedean solids?
  6. What does congruency mean?
  7. Discuss the role of trigonometry in computer graphics.
  8. What is the need for n-dimensional vectors?
  9. Explain the Japanese theorem for concyclic polygons.
  10. Prove the angle bisector theorem.
  11. Identify the applications for the golden ratio.
  12. Explain the Heronian tetrahedron.
  13. Describe the notion of Dirac manifolds.
  14. What is the use of geometry in Picasso’s paintings?
  15. How do CT scans relate to geometry?

Calculus Research Topics

Calculus studies the rates of change and accumulation, including differential and integral calculus. When it comes to preparing your math research paper, take into consideration any of the below-suggested topics on calculus.

  1. How to calculate the Taylor series of a function?
  2. What is the role of calculus in real life?
  3. Discuss the Leibniz integral rule
  4. Discuss and analyze linear approximations.
  5. What is the use of predicate calculus?
  6. What is the foundation of calculus?
  7. How to calculate the area between curves?
  8. Describe the standard formulas needed for derivatives.
  9. Explain the working of multivariate calculus.
  10. Define the fundamental theorem of calculus.

To prepare your math research paper, take into account any of the below-listed popular study topics. But when you examine a topic that has been commonly chosen by others, analyze it from various dimensions and come up with optimized solutions.

  1. What is a sphericon?
  2. What is the role of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence?
  3. Define De Finetti’s theorem in probability and statistics.
  4. How to calculate the slope of a curve?
  5. Discuss the Stern-Brocot tree.
  6. Explain Pascal’s Triangle.
  7. Analyze the Georg Cantor set theory.
  8. How to measure infinity?
  9. Explain the Scholz conjecture.
  10. How is geometry used in contemporary architectural designs?
  11. How to solve the Suslin problem?
  12. What is a tree automaton?
  13. Explain the working of the Back-and-forth method.
  14. What is a Turing machine?
  15. Discuss the linear speedup theorem.
  16. Discuss the benefits of using truth tables to present the logical validity of a propositional expression
  17. Critical analysis of the major concepts in ancient Egyptian mathematics
  18. Discuss the similarities and differences between a continuous and a discrete probability distribution
  19. Analysis of the problem with the wholeness axiom and Kunen’s inconsistency theorem
  20. Develop a study focusing on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg and relate the problem to the city or state of your choice

Latest Math Research Topics

Listed below are some trending research ideas on mathematics you may consider for your studies. By preparing math research papers on the latest topics or real-world problems, you may promote innovation, advance mathematical knowledge, and drive progress in various associated fields.

  1. What does point zero reflect on a graph where the vertical and horizontal lines meet?
  2. How to recognize adjacent angles easily without any trouble?
  3. Compare the differential vs. analytic geometry by citing relevant examples.
  4. Explain how to use a graphics system for solving various types of equations.
  5. How to divide the feasible and non-feasible regions in linear programming?
  6. What are confidence intervals and how it help in statistical math?
  7. How to differentiate the effect of a magnetic field on a given point of the circle by using an appropriate differential formula?
  8. What are the different types of identities that are used in trigonometric functions?
  9. Why polynomials are difficult to solve as compared to monomials? Give examples.
  10. Explain radical expressions and their significance with examples.
  11. Explain how fractal geometry can be used to model natural phenomena.
  12. Discuss the underlying patterns in prime number distribution.
  13. How can machine learning be optimized using mathematical techniques?
  14. What new cryptographic algorithms can be developed using number theory?
  15. What combinatorial optimization techniques can solve complex problems?
  16. Explain how to efficiently solve partial differential equations
  17. What efficient algorithms can be developed for computational algebraic geometry?
  18. How do geometric groups behave in various mathematical structures?
  19. Explain how can complex systems be modeled and predicted using mathematical techniques
  20. Explore what graph theory algorithms can be applied to real-world network analysis.

The Bottom Line

The list of research topics we have suggested in this blog shows how much more is there to discover in math. Particularly, from basic questions in number theory and algebra to practical applications in machine learning and data science, the math research topics we have recommended above will allow you to explore and learn more. So, for your math research, from our list, feel free to pick any topic that is related to your area of interest and study objectives. Examining the math research topic of your passion will allow you to gain new insights, create new technologies, and solve complex problems. If it is tough for you to conduct an extensive study and prepare a research paper on math topics, then get guidance from experienced mathematicians on our team and finish your task with accurate answers.

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