What is Criminology and How to Become a Criminologist?

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Do you aspire to become a criminologist and investigate the various crimes happening in society? If yes, then you must learn and get a degree in criminology. In case, you have no idea about criminology courses and the different types of crimes, then this blog post is for you. Especially, for your better comprehension, here, we have explained what criminology means and how to become a criminologist. In addition to the explanation of what is criminology, we have also shared the benefits of studying criminology courses along with their career opportunities. Continue reading to learn more details about the course.

What is Criminology?

Criminology is referred to as the study of crimes and what fortifies a criminal to carry out a particular crime. The term originated from the Greek and Latin dialect. The term ‘crimen or crimen’ means allegation and the term ‘logy’ is derived from the Greek word ‘logia’, which means the study of crime.

Humans are social creatures that commit several types of crimes for their well-being. Therefore, in order to make the world a better place to live in and to handle serious damages that happen due to the harmful activities of criminals, each country follows standard rules and legislation. Generally, criminology comes under humanism and psychology courses. Also, it has been classified as a scientific control. Moreover, the subject also deals with the effects of criminals and crimes on society.


What is Criminology

Furthermore, the criminology course focuses on the following aspects.

  1. What makes criminals commit crimes?
  2. How to handle criminals?
  3. Why do certain regions have more crime rates?
  4. How does crime influence a single person and an overall population?
  5. How to investigate crimes?

What is a Crime?

To write an assignment on criminology, you initially need to pick up information about the idea of crime. To comprehend the idea of crime read the beneath segments cautiously.

The point, when the norms and guidelines of society are abused is known as crime. Individuals or persons who don’t comply with the laws are considered hostile to society and are deserving of punishment under the law.

More than that, Stephen expressed that when the right has been abused by abhorrent inclinations against the network, known as a crime. Moreover, Sutherland expressed that a sign of social association is known as crime.

Apart from these, there are a lot more definitions given by different scholars. Investigating these meanings of crime we arrive at the conclusion that crime has three major qualities.

Basically, crime is the harm caused to society by the counter-social or unlawful demonstrations of people or persons.

The law winning for the present in society should be thought of while applying the guidelines that decide the blame of the individual. Also, the best and most suitable meaning of crime which incorporates all the segments of certainty and the parts which decide the criminals and the infringement of crime is given by Halsbury.

Well, to ensure the state keeps up its law and request the state needs to take preventive estimates to structure the commission of the crime and punish the liable.

Get to Know the Different Types of Crimes

Three Types of Crimes

Predatory Crime

It is a crime that has a perceptible nature and to misuse the casualty in this crime the entire society responds. Example of savage crime is burglary, capture, dacoit, coercion, and so on.

Inchoate/Rudimentary Crime

These crimes are directed to offer effect to different crimes for example abetment of homicide, endeavor to unfortunate hurt, criminal scheme, and so forth.

Hate Crime

In hate crime, the casualty is the entire network and not just the person. It is a crime that has been considered with no inspiration. And, also worried by religion, race, sexual orientation, and so forth loathe crime is commonly perpetrated against racial, powerless, and little strict groups of individuals.

Now, there are a lot more crimes with the exception of these crimes. And, those crimes are known as harmless crimes because they don’t have any casualties. Moreover, these crimes don’t influence others. However, they are illicit because of the good and financial enthusiasm of society and are subsequently punishable under the law. Example of such crimes in the UK is inhumanity, selling precluded articles, for example, drugs, intoxication in the open place, and so forth.

Numerous endeavors with the beginning of criminology study were made to group crimes and criminals independently. So, different punishments for the different classes of criminals and crimes could be chosen.

Under English law, crime has two classes of lawful offenses (Stephen, 2014).

Felonies Crime: Crimes that are intense in nature and have a punishment of lifetime detainment or capital punishment are ordered under lawful offenses crime.

Misdemeanors Crimes: Crimes that are not intense and have the punishment of jail or a fine or both are classified under misdeeds crime.

Three more crimes are included under it –

  • Crime against an individual,
  • Crime against the state, and
  • And, a crime against property

There are 29 heads under which crime is sorted in the USA. It ranges from murder to runway adolescents and opiates.

Credentials of Criminology

Nullumcrimen Sine Lege: This implies an individual isn’t viewed as liable for a crime until and except if the person had done it with a criminal goal or that demonstration is illegal by law.

Nullapoena Sine Lege: This implies an individual who is liable for a crime must be punished for that crime just if under the predominant reformatory arrangement of land that demonstration is punishable. Criminology study manages biological, lawful, scientific, psychological, and social variables.

Criminologists’ job is to inspect the variables that lead to criminal propensities in a person. Beccaria gave the will hypothesis which expressed that even biological elements can prompt criminal propensities in a person. He expressed that a couple of people have had criminal inclinations since their introduction to the world and these people have avoided society.

How to Become a Criminologist?

So in the wake of finding the solution to the question ‘What is criminology?’, you should have an interest in realizing how to turn into a criminologist. You can turn into a criminologist just by a four-year college education in this program but to get a decent situation in the job, one must be an expert in it.

The individuals who are studying conduct science courses may go into this field. To turn into a teacher of a similar course go for a doctoral certificate in psychology and do studies criminology.

Job Profile of a Criminologist

If you see this job from a removed view then it gives you a sentiment of fervor, there will be a surge in your adrenaline when you think of turning into a criminologist. As this job is questionable and erratic, aspirants frequently become inquisitive about this calling. But you should comprehend it’s a calling that requires a decent measure of tolerance and core interest.

Alongside persistence, you should be conscientious, and logical, and must have a psyche that can watch out of the crate. To comprehend a criminal, your mind ought to resemble a criminal. Criminologists set up their research alone, but they do invest the majority of their energy with law requirement offices, and police departments. They additionally work in close relationships with therapists and study the personal conduct standard of a criminal. Sometimes a criminologist needs to help the organizations in finding the smidgens of evidence in the crime areas. The key obligations of a criminologist are:

  • Conducting Research
  • Developing Theories
  • Investigating Crime Scenes
  • Composing Reports

Tasks of Criminologists

Criminologists are those people who investigate crimes or different points identified with a crime. They work in a social arrangement to study the crime and help in further examination. They help society by helping the legislature and having a constructive outcome for society.

Criminologists pay special mind to the conceivable purposes behind unnatural conduct. They study everything identified with a crime, they work with the casualty’s family, and casualty and they work in society, and even with criminals to read and comprehend their minds. They set up a report about the fallout of crime; and search for its underlying driver.

  • Study areas of criminologists
  • Frequency of crimes
  • Location of crimes
  • Causes of crimes
  • Types of crimes
  • Social reactions to crime
  • Individual reactions to crime
  • Governmental reactions to crime
  • Social and individual consequences of crimes

Career Opportunities Available For Criminology Courses

Everybody watches out to make a decent vocation, and being a criminologist is the best for individuals who have inclinations of covert agents or need to serve justice to individuals.

In spite of the fact that graduates, if they need, can fill in as a criminologist if they need then they can make professional government law specialists, investigators, or cops. There are more vocational open doors subsequent to finishing the criminology course.

Career Opening for Criminology Aspirants

  • Federal law enforcement investigators
  • Police officers
  • Detectives
  • Prison officers
  • Community development workers
  • Probation officers
  • Social workers
  • Psychologists

As crime is expanding every day, there are numerous aspirants who are looking towards this course. They need to become cops, criminal examiners, social laborers, or criminologists. If you likewise need to contribute to the general population, you ought to likewise make your vocation in this. The individuals who have a degree in this program can go for practically any criminal justice vocation.

School of Thoughts in Criminology

As disclosed to you before in this blog, the objective of criminology is to discover the underlying driver of the conduct of a criminal and create effective ways or techniques to stop crime in a humane way.

There are a few schools of musing of Criminology discipline. Each way of thinking about criminology has different variables which include unnatural conduct. The conclusion of each way of thinking is additionally different thus as their way to deal with managing crime and a criminal.

There are three fundamental ways of thinking under the criminology control, and they are the Classical School, the Positivist School, and the Chicago School.

School of thoughts in Criminology

Classical School

The principal school of thought in the rundown of schools in the Classical school of Criminology, advocated by Italian lawyer Cesare Beccaria. This school of considered the speculations of crime dependent on the referenced thoughts:

  • Each individual has his/her own will to settle on choices and can act as indicated by their own will.
  • The majority of individuals take delight and stay away from the torment. They logically pick the expense versus the advantages when they submit any demonstration.
  • To forestall the crime, one may punish the offender, and punishment ought to be as serious as the crime itself.

Positivist School

The second school of thought is the positivist school of thought. The positivist school proposes that other than looking for simple conduct and maintaining a strategic distance from torment, there are different variables of working in conduct. Positivism smothers outside and internal components that can be outside the ability to control an individual. This incorporates biological, environmental, psychological, and social causes.

It was the main positive school to execute the scientific technique for the human conduct study. This prompted the zone of crime science as an endorsed and regarded scientific discipline.

One of the most punctual and best supporters of the Positivist idea, Cesare Lombroso saw the physiological attributes of criminals, for example, the size of their scalp and the tallness of their cheekbones to recommend that science should lead a few people to criminal conduct. This, obviously, has for quite some time been stigmatized, but the positivist school accepts that the study of crime ought to remember the nature to which the crime is pertinent.

Chicago School

Another name for the Chicago School of Thought is Ecological School. This school of thought initially appeared around the 1920s in the department of humanism, at the University of Chicago. As indicated by the Chicago school, human conduct can be resolved through the social structure. This school of thought additionally studies how psychological and environmental components affect human conduct and how these elements go amiss the conduct.

These are the three fundamental schools of thought in the criminology discipline. This territory in the criminology discipline is right for research reasons. If you additionally need a paper here on criminology at that point go for the thesis writing services online and prepare made exposition.

Why Should You Study Criminology?

Work by criminologists may help in uplifting society. At the point when an aspirant comprehends “what is criminology”, he/she will without a doubt comprehend what a crime is and what causes individuals to carry out a demonstration that is hurting society.

Criminologist discovers the approaches to shield individuals from crimes, he/she chips away at the restoration of a criminal and how to manage crime victims. At the point when you go for this course, you can pick all the territories to work in or can go to one territory and work in it.

There are heaps of advantages to interpreting the importance of what is Criminology. How about we examine how this course is useful for singular development just as for society?

Social Justice

There are individuals who are extremely energetic to perform great deeds. They truly need to make positive changes in society. They select this course so as to get social soundness in the world. This field incorporates a study of different sorts of crimes.

They study different foundations, ethnicity, education, and financial purposes for a criminal demonstration. A criminologist additionally researches different attributes and financial conditions to identify how such things uphold crime. Social justice helps in growing reasonable strategies that give equality and regard to the lawful framework.

Decent Career

If you need to develop a career in Criminology, at that point you should start planning from the secondary school level. This course offers an adaptable scope of career alternatives. You should simply set up yourself at a section-level situation in any law organization or government office. In the wake of working a couple of years in it, you can move to management or managerial positions.

If you are keen on showing the field, at that point that should likewise be possible you should simply get a propelled degree in this field. From that point forward, you can without much stretch land positions in school or school.

There are some more fields, for example, going for an adolescent justice framework, or you can pick a casualty restoration program. Criminology jobs give great regard to society and job fulfillment. The greatest fulfillment in this job is that you are accomplishing something to win reality and justice.

If you have already joined up with a criminology course and having issues in making assignments, at that point go for online assignment help and score phenomenally in academics.

Intellectual Stimulation

Criminology is where one must need intellectual stimulation. It permits inquisitive personalities to buckle down for justice. And, it is crafted by a criminologist includes research about vulnerabilities. Furthermore, Criminologist discovers different answers to the question of How to evacuate criminal acts and social injustice. On occasion, a criminologist thinks of his/her own hypotheses to determine the crime’s secret.

For Topic: Criminal Justice Research Topics Idea for students


We hope you have gained a good knowledge of criminology. If you aspire to become a criminologist, then pursue a criminology course from any top university. Note that, getting a degree in criminology is not an easy task; it requires more analytical abilities along with subject knowledge.

1. What exactly is criminology?

Criminology is a detailed study of crime. Here, the sides of both an individual and social being are checked with thorough research on the origins and crime forms, causes of the crime, consequences, and reactions of others (individually, collectively, and organizationally) to the crime.

2. What is the job of a criminologist?

A criminologist has to be involved in deep research to identify an action as a crime and analyze data to figure out a pattern and motif behind the crime. Also, a criminologist has to engage in deeper studies to find out the ways to predict and prevent further criminal behavior like this one.

3. What is criminology in your own understanding?

Criminology is a detailed study of crime. Here, the sides of both an individual and social being are checked with thorough research on the origins and crime forms, causes of the crime, consequences, and reactions of others (individually, collectively, and organizationally) to the crime.

4. Is criminology a good career?

Yes, definitely. Criminology carries an extensive job opportunity irrespective of country. So, students who have selected criminology as their study path will definitely succeed in their lives.

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