15 Major Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

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One crucial debatable question that is often discussed in the education circle is “Should homework be banned or not?” Well, here in this blog post, let us analyze and find out the reasons why homework should be banned.

In general, for over a long period of time, the practice of giving homework, assignments, and project work has been followed by several colleges and universities. That too, nowadays, besides examinations and other learning activities, students have piles of homework to complete every day. At times, some students even spare their sleep and relaxation time to finish all their pending homework. As it becomes burdensome for the students to manage their academic workloads, recently many students and parents are requesting to put a ban on homework or seek homework help online.

Typically, some people consider homework as a good learning tool while a few more people treat assignments as useless tasks. Moreover, a survey also states that students who tend to spend more time on homework end up facing a lot of stress and health problems. Besides the health issues, the students and educators also claim several other reasons why homework should be banned. In the coming section, let us see all those prime reasons.

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Why Homework Should Be Banned

Why Homework Should Be Banned?

Basically, homework has both advantages and disadvantages. In particular, in the 21st century, teachers are giving homework to students on all subjects in their curriculum. At certain times, some instructors will either give assignments on topics that are unknown to students or they will assign homework without providing the writing instructions. As a result, many students end up submitting incorrect homework solutions.

Since many parents are working professionals and are occupied with more responsibilities, students have no one to offer homework help at home. Therefore, students find it hard to complete their homework on time and demand a ban on homework.

Here are some major reasons why homework should be banned.

Plenty of homework

Schools trust that homework has the power to improve overall academic performance. Therefore, nowadays, they are frequently giving homework to students on all subjects in the course curriculum. If there are multiple assignments, then it would become more challenging for students to finish them ahead of the due date. Certain institutes fail to consider the difficulties involved in giving too much homework, and they even ask the parents to help their students in completing all assignments. This will not improve the performance of students and hence it is considered the primary reason for a ban on homework.

Improper sleep

When there is too much homework to complete, students spare their sleep. Some students even fail to have a deep sleep because of the anxiety of workload and being unable to complete all the pending tasks. To stay physically and mentally strong, a proper and healthy sleep cycle is more important. But, nowadays, students are following an irregular sleep pattern due to plenty of work and are losing the quality of their lives. This is another reason why many people would like to put a ban on homework.

No exercise time

To stay healthy, like sleep, exercise is also necessary for people of all age groups. Basically, doing physical activities and exercises will make a person feel energetic. On a typical day, students spend more hours in their school. But as they have plenty of homework to finish, even after returning home, they run short of time to eat, relax, and do some basic stretching exercises. Even on weekends, some students are fully occupied with homework. Hence, having no time for exercise is counted as the third reason for the homework ban.

Increases stress and depression

Pressurizing the students to complete multiple assignments will negatively affect their physical and mental health. The research results of Standford University state that the majority of students have chosen homework as the major source of their stress and depression. Additionally, a few more students also exhibit stress-related symptoms such as sleep deprivation, tiredness, weight loss, headache, and stomach problems. Since homework leads to several health issues, it is considered to be another significant reason why homework should be banned. If homework is banned, then students will definitely live in peace without any stress.

Lowers the self-confidence of students

Judging the abilities of the students based on their homework solutions is unethical. Some students will lack basic subject knowledge and as a result, they may generate inaccurate assignment solutions. In case, teachers punish or make fun of the students in front of the whole class for submitting incorrect answers, chances are there for them to lose their self-confidence. Therefore, to avoid such hurtful actions, certain people demand a ban on homework.

No ‘Me’ time

Students are spending more time on homework and as a result, they don’t have time to develop their life skills. Furthermore, they also avoid participating in their favorite activities such as sports, music, dance, singing, etc. Generally, minds will be happier, if students do their favorite things and have enough ‘me’ time. As students don’t have time to focus on their interests because of homework, a ban should be imposed on homework.

Ruins academic performance

Will homework improve the academic performance of students? Well, the answer is No. If teachers give too much homework to students, then they will not have time to learn their subjects or prepare for their examinations. Lack of preparation will finally result in poor grades or fail marks. Therefore, it is treated as another reason why homework should be banned.

No playtime

Nowadays, students don’t have enough free time to play games or engage in any outdoor activities. In specific, more parents force students to concentrate more on academics rather than games. As students are loaded with multiple assignments, it extends till bedtime to complete all their tasks. Basically, playing outdoor games will keep the minds of the students fresh and active. But because of the heavy workload, they stay indoors and feel tired. Hence, homework should be banned.

Less family interaction time

As students are spending more hours on homework, they don’t have time to interact with their parents. Once they reach home, they quickly start working on their projects and assignments. Therefore, they find no time to communicate with their family members and attend family events, dinners, and weekend activities. If homework is banned, then students will have ample time to connect with their families and create a strong bond.

Conflict with Parents

Basically, all parents desire to see their students score top grades. Hence, they force students to develop their concentration on academics. But as students spend the majority of their hours in school, they get exhausted when they return home. Out of tiredness and laziness, many students love to sleep instead of doing homework. This leads to a big conflict between the parents and children. To avoid such situations, homework should be banned.

Homework spoils the liberty of students

Generally, during weekends and holidays, children will sleep for long hours and will not wake up early in the morning. Also, they consider the holiday as the best time to relax for more hours in bed. But, in recent times, because of the strict education system, students are given homework on weekends. Therefore they are losing their freedom as well. So, homework should be banned to improve the life of students.

Loss of Social Life

Nowadays, students give more significance to homework and so fail to socialize. In specific, they lose their basic communication skills and experience difficulties in making friends. Even some students stopped behaving as responsible adults because of the heavy workload. Also, they don’t know how to survive in society. Hence, this is found to be one of the major reasons why homework should be banned.

Leads to Cheating

If students have a lot of homework to complete in a shorter duration, they will copy from their classmates or friends. Therefore, because of this habit of copying, they will learn to cheat their teachers. So, homework should be banned.

Difficulty in managing time

Some college students attend internship training or go for part-time jobs, after their classes. Hence, it would become tougher and more challenging for such students to concentrate on their homework after their working hours. This is another valid reason why homework should be banned.

Inappropriate Content

It is totally unfair to ask students to do homework on a topic that is not taught by teachers. As homework has nothing to do with the topic that was not studied, it should be banned. Moreover, it would be more difficult for students to do their tasks, if they have poor knowledge of new concepts.

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A Few Other Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

The following are a few more reasons why homework should be banned.

  • Homework spoils the physical health of students.
  • It makes the children work like a machine.
  • Consumes more time.
  • It does not give practical knowledge.
  • Homework develops the habit of Procrastination in children.
  • Because of homework, children don’t like to study.
  • Homework is boring.
  • It transforms students into a puppet.
  • Homework makes the children repeatedly concentrate on the concepts that are already taught in school.
  • It builds the memorizing habit in students.

What are the Advantages of Homework Ban?

If homework is banned, then students will get to experience a lot of advantages as listed below.

  • Reduces the level of stress.
  • Gives more time for students to interact with their family members.
  • It aids the students to balance their scholastic and personal life.
  • Students get ample time to study and prepare for their examinations.
  • Helps students to develop their social and life skills.
  • Improves the physical and mental health of students.
  • Helps to maintain a regular sleep pattern.


Till now, we have seen the significant reasons why homework should be banned. In general, educational institutes will not initiate a ban immediately; it will take more years. Therefore, you should have enough time management skills, research experience, and subject knowledge to finish your academic work accurately and before the due date. In case, you are stuck with your homework or need expert help to finish all your homework in advance of the deadline, contact us immediately.

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